1 LIBeLIS JDO verleiht Flügel Enterprise Information Access Scalable, robust JDO solutions « JDO: Just Do Objects ! » Alexander v. Zitzewitz
2 Business Card Enterprise Information Access Vendor Founded in 2000 by experts in DBMS and J2EE technologies Worldwide operations Direct operations in UK, Germany and France (+Spain) Distributed in USA & CanadaInvestors First funding round in November 2002 Strong commitment to Java standards Member of the Java Community Process (JCP) Active Member of the JDO Expert Group Charter Member of JDOCentral Board Member of the ObjectWeb consortium
3LiDO LiDO : Flagship product NAViLIS as a side-product (eBusiness browser) FileDB a light & fast 100% Java embedded DB First JDO 1.0 implementation Enterprise level, scalable, robust JDO implementation Production ready Available since July 2001 > downloads worldwide Very active community
4 The JDO standard Java Data Objects The new specification for Java object persistence from Sun
5JDO The Java standard for data access Final Approval in March 2002 Main contributors LIBeLIS Sun, IBM, BEA, Oracle, SAP... & LIBeLIS +O/R mapping tools vendors + ODBMS vendors Does not replace but complement JDBC and EJB Goals Transparent Transparent persistence Not intrusive in Business Objects Universal Universal Data Access RDBMS, ODBMS, binary, XML, text, Legacy, applications, TP monitors, MOM... Independant Independant deployment Java level: embedded J2ME, client-server J2SE, distributed J2EE Might be embedded within in a future JDK release Books
6 JDO programming LiDO from the developer point of view Transparent data access with full Java support
7 LiDO Object model: no restriction public class Employee extends Person { public String name; private java.util.Date birthday; private int salary; public Company company; public IActivity activity; Vector awards; public void bonus(int more) { salary += more; } This is a persistent class ! If you can write it in Java, any JDO engine should store it. No need for any javax.jdo import Inheritance Interfaces Collections No need for accessors / mutators
8 LiDO build cycle Enhancement is fully defined by the JDO spec. Enhanced byte-code is portable across JDO implementations Enhanced byte-code remains the same for any data source Allows debugging and profiling (JPDA) fully Allows fully transparent persistence source code byte code javac compiler Mapping (xml file) any JDO enhancer byte code java JVM LiDO
9 Programming with LiDO Java VM odbms Fully Transparent (no JDO calls): LiDO rdbms Some explicit JDO calls: Business objects Connection (*) Query Transaction (*) Navigation between objects Data manipulation in Java ( * ) : in a J2EE context, connections and transactions are managed by the application server itself ! Automatic data mapping Client cache, object identity Application objects
10 JDO within an Enterprise Application design LiDO from the architect point of view Efficient Enterprise Information Access
11 How LiDO complements J2EE Entity BeanLiDO Does not scale (even CMP 2)Efficient persistence layer RDBMS centricUniversal, any data source Limited object supportFull Java High deployment costsInfra-structure independant High development costsStraight Java classes Java JSP Session Entity Any Data Source JDO is already perceived as one of the most critical Java extensions as it perfectly complements J2EE !
12 JVM LiDO PersistenceManager pool Shared Read Cache PersistenceManager Write object JSP Server JSP Servlet Write object Applic. objects Read object Read object LiDO JSP/Servlet application Other data versant vsnt apis Any rdbms JDBC
13 JVM LiDO PersistenceManager pool Shared Read Cache PersistenceManager Write object JSP Server JSP Servlet Write object EJB Server Session Bean Read object Read object Entity Bean BMP LiDO EJB application Other data versant vsnt apis Any rdbms JDBC
14 JVM LiDO PersistenceManager pool Shared Read Cache PersistenceManager Write object JSP Server JSP Servlet EJB Server Session Bean Other data Any rdbms JDBC Versant Vsnt apis Read object JVM LiDO PersistenceManager pool Shared Read Cache PersistenceManager Write object JSP Server JSP Servlet EJB Server Session Bean JDBC Vsnt apis Read object LiDO Distributed caches
15 LiDO Design Universal & Scalable JDO Implementation « JDO: Just Do Objects ! »
16 Storage Managers Caches, Dual Query Engine, JCA Connection pool,... LiDO architecture JDO implementation Transaction, JDO QL, State Manager RDBMS Specification implementation Core technology Data source dependant layer ODBMS Binary files The only JDO solution that is more than just another O/R mapping tool !...
17 JDO Demo LiDO Live ! It doesn’t only run on PowerPoint
18 LiDO Delivers 20 to 50% LESS source code to write Typical number of lines within the business object models used to store and retrieve these objects: 30% and this may increase should your model be complex. Significant Performance Improvements 5 to 40 times faster than EJB CMP Significant Reduction of complexity No modelling restrictions
19 LiDO Delivers Reduced development time Fully transparent & standard mapping Enterprise Information Access Allows on the fly change of storage technology Transparent switch from ODBMS to RDBMS or vice-versa Full usage of Business Object Design Without any interference from deploying technologies No restrictions Enterprise Class Performance Allows actual deploying of J2EE critical business apps
20 LiDO Benefits Investment Protection Mapping of existing schemas from RDBMS. New applications can be build using existing data and databases. Better use of skills Isolation of Java code from any DBMS aspects allows Java developers to focus on their Object Model and Database specialists to tune the application without any Java knowledge. Faster Feedback from Users Automatic generation of a GUI from the Business Object Model so that users can get a feeling of the future application and give feedback within minutes.
21Conclusion Too Good to be True ? Do not trust us… just Download and Check it out ! Trust our Customers: Societe Generale, France Telecom, Orange, CARDIF, SANOFI, Raytheon, FGM, Rothschild Bank, CRIL, LineData Services …