SPS Syncrotron Telescope Software specifications Aurélie Goldblatt BE-BI-PM
SPS properties Period: 23 us Timing supercycle: 0.8 Hz 25ns bunch spacing => 40MHz Number of 25ns buckets: 924 Max number of proton bunches: 4x72 =288 (intensity limitation, only for LHC injection?). 225 ns spacing between batches Flat top = 1.2s (to be confirmed) Fix target beam has more bunches with less intensity per bunch (and goes only to 400GeV) ?
Camera Analog intensified and gated camera Proxitronic (LHC BSRT camera) Acquisition rate = 50Hz but through MTV = 3-4 Hz Expected acquisition: 4-5 bunches per fill in bunch mode (if only measurable at flat top) Camera Acquisition (MTV) Camera ON/OFF (TTL VMOD)
Gate Control: (DAB, BOBR, TTL VMOD) Two modes: - Bunch Scan: 25ns gate synchronous with timing machine - DC : gate opened Bunch Scan mode: gate synchronized with selected bucket (12.5 ns delay steps, DAB card synchronised with the BST (BOBR) Bunch selection from a list of filled buckets (FBCT) Number of acquisitions per bunch Scan ON,OFF, standby, freeze: – Scan ON: acquire the number of frames selected then go to the next bunch selected. Average on the fit. – Scan OFF: acquisition on selected bunch? (Sliding average on the fit or no average?) – Scan Standby – Scan Freeze
Gain and Position Gain Control: (DAC VMOD, MIDI) Manual: set the gain and filters manually Automatic: No feedback. Gain, filters = f(FBCT) or table. Need to calibrate with beam (flat top and ramp?) Need to check intensifier time response. Position Control: (MIDI) Manual: set the steering motors Automatic: Feedback on the position. Need to cope with beam presence but not seen by camera (low energy).
Motors Control (MIDI) BSR Steering mirror H Steering mirror V Filter wheel (no PC => no pneumatic) Camera translation stage If LDM: 2 filter wheels TS X TS Y In/out beam splitter
Display Image from camera: Area selection (for display and fit) Cross cut selection BW/WB/Color Save/clear/subtract ref image Accumulate Traces from area selection (default: whole image) H&V profiles (amplitude vs position) – Measurement – Fit H&V position vs time H&V amplitude vs time H&V sigma vs time Traces from cross cut selection - H&V profile from cross cut