Experience you can trust Refrigerator and Appliance Recycling Program Evaluation CALMAC/MAESTRO Meeting San Francisco, CA July 26, 2006 Tami Rasmussen
2 Acknowledgements Study funded through the California public goods charge for energy efficiency Managed for the CPUC by SCE Review and input from the California IOUs – PG&E – SCE – SDG&E
3 Study Objectives Verification - To verify – Participation – Hard-to-reach rates – Savings estimates Market Potential – To estimate the program market potential to support the development of future program year goals Appliance Degradation – To determine the extent to which unit energy consumption (UEC) of refrigerators increases as the unit ages
4 Verification - activities and compliance Overall - verified reported activities and compliance with program rules Discrepancies due to – Changing definition of program year (from pick-up date to request date) – Some units less than 14 cubic feet included in program (some were picked up, others were database errors) – More than two units picked up per location. Inconsistent information across utilities and program implementers with which to match customers. Results reasonable, but not precise.
5 Verification - Savings One utility accidentally used the wrong deemed savings in its report to the Commission.
6 Market Potential Combined data from multiple sources to estimate market potential for recycled refrigerators and freezers. Sources included: – 2002 Statewide RASS survey for penetration of units and discard rates – 2002 Discarder Survey for discarders in SCE territory, to estimate percent of discarded units that are working – The 2002 RARP evaluation for percent of working discards transferred (versus destroyed (landfill or recycled)) – 2002 RARP participant data to adjust for size and age of participant units
7 Estimated Market Potential
8 Degradation Analysis - purpose and approach Determine extent to which unit energy consumption (UEC) increases as unit ages Approach – Compared manufacturers reported UEC (when new) to DOE test results (used or old) units available – Tested analytical models to express increased UEC as a function of age and other characteristics
9 Manufacturer data Limited in time Varies over the years Interpolated among models Uncertainty regarding age of metered units Used minimum (most recent) and maximum (earliest) production dates Weak correlation between production date and recycler estimate of unit age Imprecision matching model numbers Found manufacturer’s UEC for 136 of 240 units Degradation Analysis - Limitation of results
10 Degradation Analysis - Results 1 Metered Data as a Proportion of New UEC Percentage of Units Proportion of New UEC
11 Regression Analysis – Discernable relationship between age and change in UEC – R 2 of 0.60 indicates not all variation in data are explained – Best model: Shows unit consumption increases with age Indicates UEC increases as a function of other characteristics such as: –Refrigerator or freezer –Size (in cubic feet) –Configuration (side-by-side, top freezer, etc.) Sample too small to be definitive Degradation Analysis - Results 2
12 Full report available at _EM&V_RARP_Study.pdf