Mexico Pension System Results in 1999 Total Affiliation: 15’594,503 workers. Around 40% de la Economicaly Active Population (PEA). 65% Man, 35% Woman. 60% of total affiliates receive contributions in the last two months of 85.4% of the affiliated workers have less than 45 years old.
Mexico Pension System Results in 1999 Average Salary: Around 455 USD Monthly. Total Accumulated Funds invested in the SIEFOREs reached 11,423 millon USD. 97.4% are invested in Government Securities and 2.6% in private instruments with a high calification grade. Returns in 1999 reach 26.86% in nominal terms and 13.07% in real terms. Note: 1 USD = 9.50 pesos, M.N. at December 31, 1999.
Mexico Pension System Results in 1999 The Voluntary Contributions reach 34.8 Millon USD. In average a worker has accumulated 1,163 USD in the Subaccount of Retirement and 893 USD in Housing. The Number of Accumulated transference between Afores are 39,926.
Mexico Challenge and Tasks for the year 2000 System Consolidation. Ammendements to the Actual Investment Regime. Create New SIEFOREs. Create a savings´ Culture in the Population, that Incentive the Voluntary Contributions. Maintain the dissemination of the New Pension System. Make a Mechanism that allocate the Cuenta Concentradora ( Service to Workers That Have Not Chosen a Retirement Fund Manager ( Afore) ).