£1 Million 14 £500, £250, , £64, £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100
A:B: Killer catsThermochromic & Teflon Coating £100 What are commonly used to secure buildings? C:D: Plastic fences CCTV 50:50
Unlucky!Unlucky! That’s incorrect
A:B: £200 The Data Protection Act became law when? C:D: :50
SorrySorry That’s incorrect …
A:B: £300 The Computer Misuse Act was introduced in? C:D: :50
Oh dear! That’s incorrect …
A:B: EncryptionDon’t use them £500 What’s the best way of protecting s? C:D: Send from homeSend from a public computer 50:50 Ask Me Ask us
SorrySorry That’s incorrect …
A:B: Load Trojans onto the PC Test it with a virus £1,000 What should you do with Antivirus protection? C:D: Don’t use it Update it regularly 50:50
Well done!
Unlucky!Unlucky! You should have thought of your experime nts!
A:B: Good features Current Licences £2,000 What should all software used by organisations have? C:D: Be available free Easy to install 50:50
Oh no! That’s incorrect !…
A:B: Copper based ethernet Wireless £4,000 Which transmission media are most secure? C:D: CoaxialFibre Optic 50:50
Very good!
IncorrectIncorrect So near and yet so far!
A:B: Antivirus softwareSoftware Firewall £8,000 An organsiation has been subject to attack what should it install? C:D: Intrusion Detection System Hardware Firewall 50:50
Very good!
Sorry!Sorry! That’s incorrect …
A:B: System crashesInternet access closes £16,000 What happens when unused ports & protocols are closed down? C:D: Softens the systemHardens the system 50:50
Very good!
UnluckyUnlucky That’s incorrect …
Digestion A:B: Upper& Lower case letters Numbers & Characters £32,000 What should be used in passwords? C:D: At least 8 letters Digestion NumbersCharacters 50:50
Unfortunately…Unfortunately… That’s incorrect !
A:B: Server Engineer Telephone Engineer £64,000 A stranger walks into the IT room claiming to be from IT support who is he? C: D: Social Engineer Blackmailer 50:50
Well done!
I’m sorry That’s incorrect …
A:B: BiometricsToken access £125,000 A server door has iris or finger print scanners what is this called? C:D: Lock and keyNothing 50:50
Very good!
IncorrectIncorrect You should have got that one!
A:B: Weekly Backups Daily Backups £250,000 Which backups should be conducted? C:D: Differential Backups Incremental Backups 50:50
Wrong Choice! That’s incorrect …
A:B: The computer The Router £500,000 A hardware firewall is normally built into? C:D: The InternetThe Modem 50:50
Very Good!
Sorry!Sorry! That’s incorrect …
A:B: £ 1,000,000 Are you enjoying this course? C:D: Yes love it to bits No Not at all Yes 50:50
Take a break! Fantastic!Fantastic!
UnluckyUnlucky You were nearly a millionaire and got a break!
Thank you for playing! Thank you for playing! Thank you for playing!