2 RULE #1 Read lab procedures in advance to become aware of possible dangers. Read lab procedures in advance to become aware of possible dangers.
3 RULE #2 Listen very carefully to all directions. Listen very carefully to all directions. Ask questions if you are unsure about something! Ask questions if you are unsure about something!
4 RULE #3 Remain seated or stand behind your desk with your chair pushed in. Remain seated or stand behind your desk with your chair pushed in. Do NOT walk around the room without permission!!!!! Do NOT walk around the room without permission!!!!!
5 RULE #4 Follow the lab directions strictly. Follow the lab directions strictly. DO NOT TRY ANY “NEW IDEAS” UNLESS YOU CLEAR IT WITH MR. Warner FIRST!! DO NOT TRY ANY “NEW IDEAS” UNLESS YOU CLEAR IT WITH MR. Warner FIRST!!
6 RULE #5 NEVER eat, drink, or sniff anything during lab unless Mr. Warner specifically tells you that it is safe to do so. NEVER eat, drink, or sniff anything during lab unless Mr. Warner specifically tells you that it is safe to do so. NEVER ASSUME SOMETHING IS SAFE BECAUSE IT LOOKS LIKE FOOD OR A FAMILIAR BEVERAGE!!! NEVER ASSUME SOMETHING IS SAFE BECAUSE IT LOOKS LIKE FOOD OR A FAMILIAR BEVERAGE!!!
7 RULE #6 Report any spills or messes immediately to Mr. Warner. Report any spills or messes immediately to Mr. Warner. Take immediate and appropriate action to clean up the spill or mess! Take immediate and appropriate action to clean up the spill or mess! If you don’t remember the proper procedure for cleaning up, ASK Mr. W! If you don’t remember the proper procedure for cleaning up, ASK Mr. W!
8 RULE #7 Wear goggles any time you are working with liquids, chemicals, unfamiliar substances, or fire. Wear goggles any time you are working with liquids, chemicals, unfamiliar substances, or fire. Wear your goggles properly at all times! Wear your goggles properly at all times!
9 RULE #8 Treat the lab equipment, tools, and supplies with care. Treat the lab equipment, tools, and supplies with care. Every student deserves to use things that are in good condition! Be considerate of others. Every student deserves to use things that are in good condition! Be considerate of others.
10 Rule #9 Clean your lab desks and area before leaving! Clean your lab desks and area before leaving! Be sure to return all unused materials to their original containers – NEVER mix materials!!!! Be sure to return all unused materials to their original containers – NEVER mix materials!!!!
11 RULE #10 On lab days, wear long sleeves and long pants to protect your skin. On lab days, wear long sleeves and long pants to protect your skin. Tie long, loose hair back and/or tuck it in the back of your shirt. Tie long, loose hair back and/or tuck it in the back of your shirt. Do NOT wear loose or baggy clothes on lab days! Do NOT wear loose or baggy clothes on lab days!
12 RULE #11 Handle matches and fire safely. Handle matches and fire safely. NEVER put anything into the flame nor light anything on fire UNLESS you are instructed to do so! NEVER put anything into the flame nor light anything on fire UNLESS you are instructed to do so! If your clothes or materials catch fire, STOP, DROP, and ROLL! Shout fire. If your clothes or materials catch fire, STOP, DROP, and ROLL! Shout fire. Get the fire blanket immediately! Get the fire blanket immediately!
13 Rule #12 Never pour an unknown chemical down the drain. Never pour an unknown chemical down the drain. Dispose of materials in the manner described in your lab procedure or by Mr. Warner! Dispose of materials in the manner described in your lab procedure or by Mr. Warner!
14 RULE #13 If you aren’t sure if it is SAFE to do something, then DO NOT DO IT!!!! If you aren’t sure if it is SAFE to do something, then DO NOT DO IT!!!! When in doubt, ALWAYS ask Mr. Warner! When in doubt, ALWAYS ask Mr. Warner!
15 SAFETY FIRST! Use common sense – practice making safety your first concern. Use common sense – practice making safety your first concern. If you violate these lab rules, you will NOT be permitted to participate in the rest of the lab, and you may be barred from future labs! If you violate these lab rules, you will NOT be permitted to participate in the rest of the lab, and you may be barred from future labs! It’s up to you to keep all of us safe! It’s up to you to keep all of us safe!