Games R Us Owner: Jahari Small
What tech will we need? Computers Video Game Consoles Lights Air Conditioning Video Games Wired/Wireless Adapters Scanners TVs Game Controllers CCTVs
Gaming Consoles Gaming Consoles are the ones that are going to where most of our profit will be coming from. Without these we won’t be making as much money. Plus we are giving up our customers to other gaming stores that do sell consoles. Giving them a chance to make a first impression on them, and making us seem unreliable.
Televisions Televisions are being used for demos for popular upcoming videogames from the past 3 months. We switch demos every 3 months to mix it up a little for new or hyped customers. Televisions are also used for CCTV/Closed-Circuit Television to make sure nobody robs from us.
Video Games This is the main course, the reason why people came into our store in the first place. This is where over 80% of our profit comes from. The video games we purchase from manufactures are essential in our store. We are proud to tell our customers that we will always have up to date video game products for almost any platform.
Wireless Controllers Just in case our customers are in need of one we want us to be the most successful one to help them if not the first. We have a range selection of some of the most valuable and durable wireless controllers out there. The best thing is, just tell us any platform and we will have it right away. If not we will send it to you with free shipping. That’s a promise!
Wired/Wireless Adapters & HDMI Cords This is just a little something extra for when we have extra money. In the past few months there has been a high demand for HDMI,High-Definition Multimedia Interface, Wired/Wireless Adapters. These cords should rack us up some more profit. Plus some devices like chargers,aka adapters, are need for handheld devices like the Nintendo DS, PSP, and Cell Phones.
Computers Computers are used to take inventory and sent out posts of our upcoming sales and products. We also have a website on weebly. Here’s the URL: be sure to check regularly to be updated on our future plans.