National Conference for Parents Primary Assessment Jacqueline Price October 2010
Primary Assessment How are children being assessed and how will parents know their child is making progress in primary?
Curriculum for Excellence curricular framework assessment framework thinking language
Focus on the experiences and the learning outcomes The experiences and outcomes are a set of statements which describe the expectations for learning and progression for each of the eight curriculum areas. The title experiences and outcomes recognises the importance of the quality and nature of the learning experience in developing attributes and capabilities and in achieving active engagement, motivation and depth of learning. An outcome represents what is to be achieved.
Whats new and whats not? building on good practice improving the quality of teaching and learning experiences focus on the learner and the learning detailed knowledge of the learner – strengths, areas for dev. next steps learner engagement teaching – learning – assessment progress– breadth, challenge & application assessment over a longer period of time supported by a wider range of evidence teacher judgement quality assurance & moderation core learning – literacy, numeracy & health and wellbeing
earlier or later for some Early – pre-school years and P1 First – to the end of P4 Second – to the end of P7 Third, Forth – S1 to S3 Senior phase – S4 to S6 and college or other means of study
What? Knowledge & understanding Skills Attributes and capabilities When? As part of ongoing learning and teaching Periodic At transitions How? By using a variety of approaches and range of evidence By making assessment fit for purpose and appropriately valid, reliable and manageable & proportionate Through partnership working
Achieving a level For learners to demonstrate that their progress is secure and that they have achieved a level, they will need opportunities to show that they: Have achieved a breadth of learning across the experiences and outcomes for an aspect of the curriculum Can respond to the level of challenge set out in the experiences and outcomes and are moving forward to more challenging learning in some aspects Can apply what they have learned in new and unfamiliar situations
saywritemakedo Assessment evidence may come from things pupils in response to their learning experiences. The assessment process will involve gathering and consideration of the evidence, using agreed criteria, in order to arrive at judgements about how much and how well, and what needs to be done next.
practical investigation, performance, presentation, discussion, drawing, report, project, check-up, learners assessment of their own work and comparisons with others, model, piece of artwork, test, video, photograph... Evidence might be a...
How do we ensure progression within Es/Os? Vary learning outcomes Vary success criteria Vary activities Vary contexts Vary approaches to assessment
Health and wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes HWB 0-15a: I am developing my understanding of the human body and use this knowledge to maintain and improve my wellbeing and health. HWB 0-32a: I know that people need different kinds of food to keep them healthy Learning Intentions – We are learning to: categorise healthy/unhealthy foods within a balanced diet organise a range of foods into their specific group teaching – learning – assessment in action
Success Criteria APS I can choose healthy foods. I can give reasons for healthy food choices. PS I can sort healthy/unhealthy foods. I can identify healthy and treat foods. P1 I can categorise healthy/unhealthy foods within a balanced diet. I can organise a range of foods into their specific group.
MNU 1-20b: I have used a range of ways to collect information and can sort it in a logical, organised and imaginative way using my own and others criteria. Group 1 I can place important family events in time using a timeline. I can sort information I have found into chronological order. Group 2 I can collect information about family pets and interests. I can display the information I collect in graphs and pictograms. I can decide how I would like to display my information. Group 3 I can use Venn and Carroll diagrams to sort the information collected. I can record information using a Carroll diagram. I can think of and use interesting ways to display information.
Experiences and Outcomes LIT 2-09a: When listening and talking with others for different purposes, I can clarify points by asking questions or by asking others to say more. When listening and talking with others for different purposes, I can share information, experiences and opinions Success Criteria P5 The children can prepare a presentation on an issue. The children can present arguments for and against their chosen topic. The children can answer questions on their topic. The children can offer their own opinion on the topic based on their research. P6 The children can devise open-ended questions to allow the characters feelings and experiences to be discussed. The children are able to create a role using previous knowledge and understanding. The children are able to show through an interview scenario, who a character is and how they feel P7 The children can understand how events and characters relate to one another, before evaluating and applying knowledge to asking and answering questions. The children are able to form an opinion of a character and through hot- seating demonstrate their understanding of why characters behave in such a way
Ensuring consistency Supporting development of shared understanding of standards and expectations and build trust and confidence in teacher judgements Moderation activities in school, across schools, across clusters, nationally HT/SMT/LA monitoring practice National monitoring such as Scottish Survey of Achievement – monitoring national performance in literacy & numeracy HMIe inspections
Reporting can take a variety of forms... Quality discussion- parent - teacher – learner Written reports Achievement events Personal learning planning I can folders Learning walls Learning stories Monthly newsletters Learning logs Learning blogs Electronic portfolios...
Reporting to parents should... Be constructive Avoid jargon Provide information on learners strengths, progress, achievements and attitude to learning Motivate learners to develop their fullest potential Allow learners the chance to comment on their progress. Provide parents with a chance to comment as part of the process * No set formats for written reports
Focus on the learner & the learning: the four capacities Successful learners with enthusiasm and motivation for learning and openness to new ideas and determined to reach high standards of achievement Confident individuals with physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and self respect and ambition Responsible citizens with respect for others and a commitment to participate responsibly in political, economical, social and cultural life whilst developing a knowledge of the world and Scotlands place in it. Effective contributors with resilience and self-reliance, who can communicate, work in partnership and apply critical thinking, solve problems and be enterprising and creative.
Keep up to date Talk to your child and their school Visit the Learning and Teaching Scotland website and the Parent Toolkit m/engagingwithparents/index.asp m/engagingwithparents/index.asp Sign up for updates and the CfE Bulletin at uptodate/index.asp uptodate/index.asp Get support and ideas from Follow the development of new qualifications on SQA website Fact files ndqualifications_tcm pdf
Assessment Team Learning and Teaching Scotland The Optima, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow G2 8DU T: Customer Services: Website: Contact us