Louis XIV “ Sun King ” absolute ruler Do you Know?
Louis XIV absolute ruler Do you Know? 1. His country
BACK 1. France
Louis XIV absolute ruler Do you Know? 1. His country 2. His Hero (why)
BACK 1. France 2. Cardinal Richelieu (created absolute monarchy in France)
Louis XIV absolute ruler Do you Know? 1. His country 2. His Hero (why) 3. Characteristics of all absolute rulers
BACK 1. France 2. Cardinal Richelieu (created absolute monarchy in France) 3. Centralize power and rule by divine right
Louis XIV absolute ruler Do you Know? 1. His country 2. His Hero (why) 3. Characteristics of all absolute rulers 4. His architectural achievement (symbol of?)
BACK 1. France 2. Cardinal Richelieu (created absolute monarchy in France) 3. Centralize power and rule by divine right 4. Palace of Versailles (symbol of power and wealth)
Back of Versailles Fountain & Gardens Front of Versailles Main Entry
Louis XIV absolute ruler Do you Know? 1. His country 2. His Hero (why) 3. Characteristics of all absolute rulers 4. His architectural achievement (symbol of?) 5. What are the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Estates?
BACK 1. France 2. Cardinal Richelieu (created absolute monarchy in France) 3. Centralize power and rule by divine right 4. Palace of Versailles (symbol of power and wealth) 5. 1st=priests 2nd=rich land owners 3rd=poor
Louis XIV absolute ruler Do you Know? 1. His country 2. His Hero (why) 3. Characteristics of all absolute rulers 4. His architectural achievement (symbol of?) 5. What are the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Estates? 6. Privileges Louis gave to 1st and 2nd Estates.
BACK 1. France 2. Cardinal Richelieu (created absolute monarchy in France) 3. Centralize power and rule by divine right 4. Palace of Versailles (symbol of power and wealth) 5. 1st=priests 2nd=rich land owners 3rd=poor 6. No taxes, live at Versailles, gov’t jobs
Louis XIV absolute ruler Do you Know? 1. His country 2. His Hero (why) 3. Characteristics of all absolute rulers 4. His architectural achievement (symbol of?) 5. What are the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Estates? 6. Priveleges Louis gave to 1st and 2nd Estates. 7. Law Louis Repealed
BACK 1. France 2. Cardinal Richelieu (created absolute monarchy in France) 3. Centralize power and rule by divine right 4. Palace of Versailles (symbol of power and wealth) 5. 1st=priests 2nd=rich land owners 3rd=poor 6. No taxes, live at Versailles, gov’t jobs 7. Edict of Nantes (gave religious freedom to Huguenots)