Forms of Government
Dictatorship - TOTALITARIANISM CHARACTERISTICSDRAWBACKSBENEFITSEXAMPLES -absolute control by a political party -leadership by a dictator who has complete power (politically / economically) (They are usually aggressive and or racist) -limited individual rights -Uncertain transition of power -Usually dependent on support of military -no freedom of press; no opposition parties -organized and controlled -efficient (sometimes ruthless) -No public protest -countries belonging to the former Soviet Union, China, Cuba, North Korea -Germany in the 1930’s-40’s
CHARACTERISTICSDRAWBACKSBENEFITSEXAMPLES -tells others what to do -limits discussion on ideas -leaders can be elected into power, however most are born into if it is a MONARCHY - is a less extreme form of totalitarianism -Expensive (Pomp and ceremony) -Monarchy / leader is removed from everyday experiences -No criteria (other than birth) for ruling -stable -controlled -traditional -unifying Canada Great Britain AUTOCRATIC - Monarchy
CHARACTERISTICSDRAWBACKSBENEFITSEXAMPLES -decisions are made by the majority -power rests in the body of citizens and the head of government is not a king or queen (monarch) -Takes more time to make decisions -More costly -Protects individual rights -Decisions made from input from many sources -Canada, U.S DEMOCRACY
CHARACTERISTICSWHEN EFFECTIVEWHEN INEFFECTIVEEXAMPLES -leadership by the religion -if all members possess the same understanding of the religion -values / morals and ethics are the same for all members involved -if religious rules and regulations are interpreted differently among citizens / members -if values / morals and ethics are different for citizens / members -Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran ( ) THEOCRATIC – sometimes call oligarchy
CHARACTERISTICSDRAWBACKSBENEFITSEXAMPLES -Leadership by a small group -Limited access to power -Limited rights of people -Questionable transition of power -Stable --controlled -- organized -military Tibet (Dali Lama) Oligarchy
CHARACTERISTICSWHEN EFFECTIVEWHEN INEFFECTIVEEXAMPLES -decisions made by those who are considered to be superior through wealth or education - when the aristocracy is interested in the welfare of the people - when the aristocracy becomes self interested in maintaining the “status quo” - France - Estates System ARISTOCRACY