16+ Learning Choices Ann Carnachan Head of School Improvement Falkirk Council.


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Presentation transcript:

16+ Learning Choices Ann Carnachan Head of School Improvement Falkirk Council


Falkirk Council : Education Services Learning to Achieve We want all learners to have enjoyable, challenging experiences allowing them to work to their full potential… To develop the skills and attributes which will allow them to make a positive contribution to society and achieve positive and sustained destinations.

Falkirk Council : Education Services The NEET Challenge Preventing school leavers from becoming NEET by improving the effectiveness of the transition from school to employment, further education or training. To effectively engage with year olds who are not engaged in employment, education or training.

Falkirk Council : Education Services June 2006 – More Choices, More Chances Promoting effective pre-school leaving activities and improving support for young people at the point of transition to increase the number of school leavers moving into a positive destination. To engage young people who have left school in a range of post school activities to reduce the number of young people remaining in, or falling into, a negative destination.

Falkirk Council : Education Services Context for Delivery Early Years Early Intervention Framework New Community Schools – Integrated Services for Children Getting it Right for Every Child Curriculum for Excellence Determined to Succeed Building the Curriculum 4 : skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work

Falkirk Council : Education Services Curriculum for Excellence Curriculum for Excellence is about driving forward improvements in learning and teaching to improve the life chances of young people and ensure they have the skills and knowledge they need for learning, life and work in the 21st Century

Falkirk Council : Education Services Key National Indicator: Increase in the proportion of school leavers from Scottish publicly funded schools in positive and sustained destinations (FE, HE, employment or training.

Falkirk Council : Education Services Improving Outcomes for Young People – Making a Positive Transition Raising aspirations: developing universal provision to promote positive post-school transitions. Understanding and identifying risk factors. Delivering targeted support and interventions. Identifying gaps – developing new provision. Supporting staff in and out of schools to support the above.

Falkirk Council : Education Services Developing Universal Provision to Promote Post-School Transitions Personal Learning Planning/individual target setting career education/Career Box World of Work event work experience enterprise activities lifeskills programmes including employability skills core skills – literacy, numeracy, ICT financial education transition from P7 to secondary transition post-school

Falkirk Council : Education Services Risk Factors Child: barriers to learning, early primary school start School: attainment, attendance, changes of school Family: looked after, young carer, substance misuse, bereavement Social behaviour: multi-agency referral, known to Social Work

Falkirk Council : Education Services Partners All secondary schools Education Psychology Service Employment and Training Unit Skills Development Scotland (Careers) Community Learning and Development Social Work Services My Future's in Falkirk/Economic Development Forth Valley College Skillforce Barnardo's Voluntary Sector

Falkirk Council : Education Services Targeted Support and Intervention Transition P7 to Secondary: - pastoral care/support for learning - promoting resilience Integrated Pupil Support - Community Learning and Development Forth Valley College Options for S3-S6 Duke of Edinburgh and ASDAN courses Positive Transitions Programme with Employment and Training Unit Activate SNAP - targeting non-attenders SDS – key workers Particip8 – intensive youth support service Young people leaving care

Falkirk Council : Education Services Intensive Youth Support Service: Provided by youth workers in Community Education. Support for the most difficult to engage young people. Provides one to one and small group support to young people 5-18 most at risk or furthest from the labour market. Will help to support a young person into the programmes on offer. Will support young people across school leaving and for sustained periods as required. Levels of support and actual activities will be individually tailored. Target is a sustained post-16 placement for a period of 6 months and thereafter the service will disengage.

Falkirk Council : Education Services Planning for Transition Establish transition plans for all pupils at least 12 months before the end of their compulsory education, involving a named member of staff, eg form tutor, pastor staff, DHT

Falkirk Council : Education Services The Partnership - Remit In the context of Curriculum for Excellence to plan curriculum provision and support to ensure that all young people move into a positive destination post school To oversee the operation of the consortia arrangements between schools and Forth Valley College and to deepen partnership arrangements To monitor the effectiveness of planned interventions To monitor the outcomes for young people - achievement in the widest sense To develop and monitor the use of practice protocols between partners (eg attendance, behaviour, reporting) To support and monitor the implementation of planning for 16+ learning choices in schools To review the effectiveness of working with key partners: - having a shared vision - communication at strategic and operational levels - effective sharing of resources to avoid duplication - maximise opportunities for young people in the Falkirk Council area