Logic Gate Objects This document contains various images created by Andrew C. M. Rodger, 4 October Tools used:LibreOffice Impress 3 Microsoft Powerpoint 2007 The following pages contain scalable, grouped drawing objects and PNG bitmap images, both based on the two standard sets of logic gate symbols (ANSI and IEC), along with their associated truth tables. Tips for using these symbols in interconnected diagrams Use the grouped scalable drawing objects, they have connection points that lines will snap to. Do not scale the parts individually before or while you are building the diagram. Construct the diagram with all connectors, text boxes etc, then group it all together as a single item and finally rescale it to fit your document. Keep an unscaled copy of your diagram in case you need to make adjustments.
ABF ABF ABF ABF ABF ABF AF Grouped drawing objects All lines stay uniformly thick regardless of scaling. Both lines and fill can be altered and added connector lines will snap onto these. Limited to MS Office/OpenOffice/LibreOffice documents.
ABF ABF ABF ABF ABF ABF AF Grouped drawing objects – scaled 50% All lines stay uniformly thick regardless of scaling. Both lines and fill can be altered and added connector lines will snap onto these. Limited to MS Office/OpenOffice/LibreOffice documents.
PNG bitmaps These are bitmap versions of the previous grouped objects and are usable in almost any medium. Lines dont have proper snap-to points. Fill and line properties are no longer editable.