Spectrum for UAS UAS at WRC-12 European WRC-12 preparation Martin Weber, Federal Network Agency, Germany EU UAS Panel Workshop Brussels,


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Presentation transcript:

Spectrum for UAS UAS at WRC-12 European WRC-12 preparation Martin Weber, Federal Network Agency, Germany EU UAS Panel Workshop Brussels, 13/

 Treaty between the ITU-Members (Administrations)  Defines an international Framework for Spectrum management  Has to be reflected in national legislation

3 ITU – RR Definition of services

4 ITU – RR Allocations

ITU – RR How to Change thinks  Modifications to the RR has to be agreed by a World Radiocommunications Conference WRC  Only issues which are on the agenda will be dicussed  Each WRC developes an agenda for the following Conference

UAS as part of the Agenda of WRC12  The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2007),  resolves to recommend to the Council that a world radiocommunication conference be held in 2012 for a period of four weeks, with the following agenda:  1.3 to consider spectrum requirements and possible regulatory actions, including allocations, in order to support the safe operation of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), based on the results of ITU ‑ R studies, in accordance with Resolution 421 (WRC ‑ 07);

WRC-12 Agenda item 1.3  CEPT coordinator : Martin WEBER (Germany)  CEPT preliminary position Spectrum demand of 34 MHz for terrestrial and 56 MHz for satellite spectrum as determined by ITU-R Report M.2177 Spectrum use for the purpose of control and non ‑ payload communication must be in accordance with international aeronautical standards

CEPT preliminary position Terrestrial component Only AM(R)S allocations should be used. Due to the intensive usage of the band MHz in Europe, CEPT does not support the usage of this frequency band for the terrestrial component of UAS for CNPC CEPT will be studying until WRC-12 the bands MHz, MHz and GHz to satisfy the Agenda Item, along with consequential regulatory and technical considerations to protect the existing services As a consequential change, for AMS(R)S in the band , 9.21 procedure is proposed to be replaced by 9.11A

CEPT preliminary position Satellite Component CEPT is of the view that no change is required to the Radio Regulations for the satellite component. No new allocations are required as there are enough frequency bands to accommodate the spectrum requirement for the satellite component and no new or modified procedures/provisions are needed for the existing satellite allocations. Does the certification for airworthiness require the use of a certain radiocommunocation service (as defined in article 1 RR)?

Spectrum for UAS Thank you Martin Weber, Federal Network Agency, Germany EU UAS Panel Workshop Brussels, 13/