2012 World Radiocommunication Conference: A Retrospective
2 Some Lessons Learned / Observations Skewed toward Government-centric issues and satellite topics Lack of IMT-related AI (i.e. WRC-07 AI 1.4) minimized commercial wireless and carriers’ interest More focused on future Agenda Item(s) One-year preparatory cycle for the U.S. HoD/Ambassador Implications on bilateral negotiations, broader Core Delegation, regional preparations (i.e. Citel IAPs), spokesperson’s role, etc. Firm U.S. priorities and approach – revised role for Spokespersons Decentralized approach with Spokespersons as lead Regional outreach as part of Spokespersons’ role List of priority U.S. Agenda Items Expanded “Deep Dives” on certain AIs
3 Some Lessons Learned / Observations - cont U.S. Negotiation Strategy - Unwavering No trade-offs across Agenda Items Each AI had to be resolved on its own merits No “Basket” negotiations during the 4 th week of the Conference Only 2 items remained for the last minute (AI 1.2 and the “JTG”) No Fallback positions / No Negotiations Keeping CITEL together Unprecedented level of preparations for Future AIs (AI 8.2) New tools and resources provided by the ITU BR Proposal Management System and Sync software Information Workshops on WRC-12 (3 in total) Highest level of cross-regional exchange of information
4 Agenda developed by WRC-07 (Nov 2007) CPM11-1 (Nov 2007) Regional Organization Mtg 2008 Preliminary Views (Mid Mid-2009) Regional & Country coordination ( ) Regional Or Country Final Proposals ( 3 rd Q 2011 ) CPM11-2 (Feb. 2011) WRC-12 (23 Jan – 17 Feb) Proposal Preparations Track Technical Preparations Track Draft CPM Report (Compiled Aug. 2010) Consultations ITU-R Study Groups (Feb 2008 – Nov 2011) Some things never change... RA - 12 ( Jan) Current time RA = Radiocommunication Assembly U.S. Final Proposals ( 3 rd Q 2011 ) (Technical studies in support of Proposals) Rev. 6 Jan ITAC-R RCS + WAC
5 Famous Last Words... NO SURPRISES
6 U.S. Priorities AI 1.21 – Radiolocation in the 15.4 – 15.7 GHz AI 1.3 – Unmanned Aircraft Systems AI 1.2 – International Regulatory Framework AI 1.25 – Additional Allocations to the MSS “The Joint Task Group”
7 Radiolocation Service GHz – AI 1.21 Primary Allocation to the RLS in the GHz band Fully harmonized across all 3 ITU Regions Supplements remaining band from 15.7 to 17.3 GHz 1.9 GHz total band
8 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) – AI 1.3 Terrestrial allocations for Line-of-Site C&C: New primary aeronautical mobile (route) service allocation in MHz Achieved U.S. objectives; no further action required Satellite allocations for beyond-line-of-site C&C Relaxed coordination requirements for existing aeronautical satellite mobile (route) service allocation in MHz Studies were not mature enough to agree the use of the fixed- satellite service (FSS) at WRC-12 WRC-15 agenda item to study use of the FSS met U.S. objectives
9 Enhancing Intl Regulatory Framework – AI 1.2 No Change (NOC) Suppression of Res. 951 WRC-15 studies as part of the BR’s report
10 Additional Allocations to the MSS – AI 1.25 Additional allocations to the Mobile-Satellite Service between 4 and 16 GHz No Change (NOC)
11 The Joint Task Group Mobile Broadband AI for WRC-15 Is it IMT or Broadband? Additional spectrum allocations for Mobile Broadband, including IMT No limitation on frequency bands to be studied Harmonization requested Establish JTG for balanced participation This outcome was reached at the first CPM (CPM15-1), and not at WRC-12
12 Unexpected Issues or Surprises Res. 420 (AI 1.4) – AM(R)S in the band – MHz A non-negotiable item from the EC’s point-to-view Galileo as a strategic asset for the EC A foreshadowing of the potential role of the EC with respect to WRC- 15 preparations (for Europe)
13 Contact Information PAUL NAJARIAN U.S. State Dept. Phone: