Primary TRANSITIONS Pre-school Where do we want to be ? Joint Responsive Planning / seamless learning across early level - Nursery - P1 Active Learning throughout the curriculum Annual Planning ensuring choice to explore areas of interest. Commitment to collegiality- plan inset to promote further collaboration & CPD opportunities. Utilise Transition funding throughout the session - enhance greater peer opportunities P1- Nursery. Transition of learning/Pre schoolers learning alongside P1-team teaching Interdisciplinary Learning IAF / Partnership Working Home visits for children not currently in our nursery School events - open invite Extending Relationships coherent curriculum. Correspondence - Increased Pupil Voice Focus Group Personal Learning Plans 3-5yrs Where are we now ? New Nursery Class (off site) established Aug management time/build cross sectoral work. Regular visits to partnership nurseries Beginnings of Nursery - P1 staff working together.(Developing collaborative teams) Continue annual calendar events invitations-all partnership nurseries Nursery Nurse input during induction week Pupil Voice -DVD created by P6 entitled Our School Floor Books / Talking & Thinking books Transition Reports-Consistent across NAC -under review Early Years Forum - joint sharing of good practice. Early Years staff network / website Transition funding promote cross sectoral involvement -P1 staff/nurseries Numerous strategy groups / L & T Policy P T in Early years -Transition advisory group Early Years LTS - disseminate Focus Group inclusion Sharing of good practice Full transition for all pupils throughout the session. Rotation of pre school /school staff Regular Transition meetings of personnel Continual Evaluation of needs during transition/consult parents and children -what information do they want from school? Health and Wellbeing Seaglen Primary Highburgh Pre-School Winterburgh Seaglen Nursery Class Pre-school Establishments Black Park Kerton Primary Nursery St.Olafs Primary Nursery How do we get there? (Main considerations) Entitlements Partnerships Leadership Pupil Voice ICT TP21 CPD Strategy Structures for Collaboration Accommodation Time as a Resource Parents as Partners Recognition of Achievement
How do we get there? Plan more cross sectoral working-timetabling Continue to attend Early Years Forum Continue current Transition documentation Change Transition documentation - Focus group to review Use Budget / Funding to support P1 teachers to work alongside nursery staff & continue to visit other partnership nurseries. Encourage joint community projects Increase Management Time for PT & P1 teacher Offer Collegiate opportunities / CPD opportunities Send School Improvement Plan copies to all pre school sectors Arrange Home visit timetable-once placing requests granted. Send Questionnaire to parents & staff - what do they want as part of the transition process.Evaluate and change practice accordingly. Ask pre - schoolers - key questions? Invite Cluster Health Group representation from pre- school development Extension of IAF / Partnership Forum. Advertise events inviting prospective pupils & parents Continue sharing of good practice events at authority level. Extend this into good practice events within the early level across all pre - school establishments Possible challenges to overcome Continued funding / commitment for Early Years Forum Offsite Nursery Class(community centre) - manageability of access,availability of resources(limited storage) AM nursery session only - less flexibility in collaborative planning time with staff. Staff confidence and expertise. Sustainablity of staff. (Nursery and school staff) Revised content of Transition documentation Diplomacy v Entitlement re placing requests Relationships Management time for PT - realistic - other remits& have many pre-school establishments to visit to ensure entitlement Geographic location of all pre school establishments. Ratios/Transport costs for children visiting CPD - Working hours differ - Allocation of remaining time for teachers agreed annually Home visits - possibly not undertaken till all placing requests granted to ensure entitlement Joint assessment methods through AifL to promote consistency & familiarity Parental expectations- changing curriculum. ICT availability & internet accessibility - communication. Collaboration Structures - staff changes- continuity,consistency and impact of changes in practice. Pre-school Primary