Support for Reflection and Engagement Religious Education in Roman Catholic Schools
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Feedback was overwhelmingly positive What was said? Dont use I know and I understand within the same outcome Clarification of some technical language required Exemplification of the Emmaus Approach required Clarification of links between Catholic Catechism and experiences and outcomes Clarification on age and stage teaching of Other World Religions Strategically managed programme of CPD required What was done: Two experiences and outcomes edited - I am familiar with, I know and I understand now used to illustrate the increasing depth of engagement Clarification of technical language included in Supplementary Guidance, This is our Faith Exemplification contained in Supplementary Guidance and plans for case studies to be uploaded onto LTS website –CPD activities to be structured Contained in Supplementary Guidance, This is our Faith Principles and Practice and experiences and outcomes framework now give clearer guidance on this. Range of CPD requirements identified What changes have been made since the draft framework?
Reflecting on the Principles and Practice Paper in RERC What additional support materials are mentioned as essential in helping you implement this framework and in what ways will they support teaching and learning? In what ways can the Principles and Practice Paper inform your teaching of RERC to take it forward within a Curriculum for Excellence? What are the key features of assessment ? Why are the sections of the Principles and Practice Paper phrased as questions?
How are the experiences and outcomes structured in RERC ? There are 8 organisers: Mystery of God In the Image of God Revealed Truth of God Son of God Signs of God Word of God Hours of God Reign of God
Getting started: some questions for discussion In light of advice on RERC learning and teaching approaches and the outcomes and experiences framework: 1. Building on your current practice what are the implications for what and how you currently teach? 2. How will you ensure the needs of all learners are met? 3. Which experiences and outcomes within Religious Education and across other curricular areas could you link to provide a coherent experience for learners? 4. Who would you liaise with both within the school and the wider community? 5. How might you approach curriculum planning using the Experiences and Outcomes in your school/ department?
Getting started: reflecting on the RERC framework 1.In what ways can the RERC experiences and outcomes provide opportunities for children and young people to develop an understanding of how their learning will help them in their future lives? 2.Consider how you would deliver specific experiences and outcomes in your class or school? 3.How will you identify and share good practice –how could Glow assist with this? 4.What professional development is required to support your implementation of the RERC experiences and outcomes?