Satanism, and Satan worship, is the reverse of Christianity. ABOUT GOD
Satan is the primary deity of the Satanist. ABOUT SATAN
Black mass is the regular service of the Church of Satan. ABOUT CHURCH
Magic is used for the betterment of those involved in the ceremony. MAGIC, AND SATANISM
Individualism is the primary Satanist value. ABOUT YOU…
Depending on the branch, Wiccans can practice monotheism, pantheism, duotheism, or polytheism. Gardenerian Wicca believe in a two aspect god/goddess THEISM
Main means of channeling powers of nature. Different areas are better suited for different magics. Magic and rituals that are performed by the individual witch are recorded in their Book of Shadows. MAGIC, AND ITS’ IMPORTANCE
Central tenet: “Do what you will, but harm no others” WICCAN SEDE
There are eight total yearly celebrations, and all denominations of Wicca practice different sets. Pagan holidays of old, usually celebrate Equinoxes and Solaces. CELEBRATIONS
RASTAFARI Our misunderstood faith
-Beliefs are rather close to Christianity -Jesus has come again, and Heaven is on Earth -Man is “everliving” RASTAFARI AND RELIGION
-Not the cornerstone of Rastafari – A spiritual medium -Means of communicating with Jah, or celebrating the life one lives GANJA, OR CANNABIS