Mary’s relative risk: below average Mary’s estimated lifetime risk: 25% Mary has 17 of the 36 risk markers Mary’s estimated risk We took the average risk for women and used Mary’s genetic markers to estimate her lifetime risk for type 2 diabetes: 25%, or 250 out of 1,000. Here's another way to look at Mary’s risk. In a sample population: Mary: 25% Avg: 30% Diabetes, type 2 49% have a higher genetic risk than Mary 4% have the same genetic risk as Mary 47% have a lower genetic risk than Mary SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Each study participant saw the two risk scenarios (type 2 diabetes and colon/colorectal cancer) as illustrated by the company from which they purchased DTC genetic testing. Navigenics.
Mike’s relative risk: above average Mike’s estimated lifetime risk: 11% Mike has 6 of the 10 risk markers Mike’s estimated risk We took the average risk for men and used Mike’s genetic markers to estimate his lifetime risk for colon cancer: 11%, or 110 out of 1,000. Here's another way to look at Mike’s risk. In a sample population: Mike 11% Avg: 5% Colon cancer 3% have the same genetic risk as Mike 97% have a lower genetic risk than Mike