Homeless Crisis Response Program Training December 7, 2012, 10:00am - 3:00pm Welcome! Community Services Division Office of Community Development
Homeless Crisis Response Program Training Community Services Division Office of Community Development Scott Gary, OCD
Homeless Crisis Response Program Training Jacqui Buschor, OCD
Homeless Crisis Response Program Training Jon McKay, OCD
Homelessness Prevention Losing their primary nighttime residence within 14 days and lack resources or support networks to remain in housing.
Rapid Re-housing Living in a place not meant for human habitation Coming from emergency shelter or transitional housing Exiting an institution they temporarily resided if in shelter or a place not meant for human habitation before entering the institution.
Court Ordered Eviction If the client(s) qualify as homeless, because the client(s) will imminently lose their housing, the evidence must, at a minimum, include a Notice to Quit, Notice to Terminate, or Notice to Leave Premises issued under state law that requires the client(s) to leave their residence within 14 days after the date of application for homeless assistance. Agencies have discretion to request heightened documentation from client(s) in order to prove housing status, such as a court ordered eviction.
Rental Assistance Agreement
Budget Amendments Required if moving $5,000 or 10%, whichever is greater, of line item between activities. 5 Things Needed for Budget Amendments: –Original Budget –Original Outcomes (# of households/# persons served) –Revised Budget –Revised Outcomes (# of households/# persons served) –Rationale
Activities Associated with Grant 1.Homelessness Prevention – Rental/Housing Assistance 2.Homelessness Prevention – Supportive Services 3.Rapid Re-housing - Rental/Housing Assistance 4.Rapid Re-housing - Supportive Services 5.Data Collection & Evaluation 6.General Administration
Drawdowns Should be based on actual expenditures No limit Takes roughly 2 weeks to get funds Submit one drawdown request for whole region
Utility Assistance Should be rare in nature. Other public assistance programs should be utilized (such as HEAP)
Income Determination Inclusions Earned Income Self Employment/Business Income Interest & Dividend Income Pension/Retirement Income Unemployment & Disability Income TANF/Public Assistance Alimony, Child Support and Foster Care Income Armed Forces Income
Habitability Inspections
Partner Agency Agreements Scope of work Term (beginning and ending dates) Max dollar mount Reporting/Monitoring How money will change hands Signed by both parties Policies to be followed Bill on actual cost How amended Lead agency has right to monitor programmatic and financials Follow rules and regulations Special clause regarding finances Feds/State has right to access partner agencies