Planning for Numeracy Across Learning within STEM (STEM disciplines - Science, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics)
Project aim to help identify, plan and implement strategies by which to strengthen the learning and teaching of numeracy and to provide meaningful contexts and scenarios for making connections across learning.
Embedding STEM within NAL a clear focus on CfE numeracy experiences & outcomes generate and strengthen meaningful learning contexts for numeracy by which to increase pupil motivation and engagement. promote numeracy skills development for pupils and staff capitalise on opportunities offered by ICT and Glow considered issues relating to the development of a portfolio of students achievement
Exemplar Kelso HS Bridge Building Curriculum focus: English, Computing, and maths KHS Numeracy Committee felt we needed to pursue a cross-cutting theme Numeracy project that wasnt contrived. The project involved S1 classes working in student-selected groups to design a new bridge at Nenthorn. Students researched three bridge designs; and used computer software to agree and test bridge design.
Exemplar Numeracy Across Learning Action Plan Kelso HSBridge Building
Exemplar Numeracy Across Learning Action Plan
Kelso HS Bridge Building Success Critieria Group Presentation Evidence of appropriate numeracy eg scale, money Evidence of ICT use e.g. software package Evidence of literacy e.g. Talking, listening and presenting Overall quality of group presentation eg structure, innovation, design justification, consideration of other issues eg environmental
Planning and processes identify a lead person to take responsibility in most cases maths teachers had a key role create opportunities for staff to meet and plan Identify and provide appropriate CPD to meet staff needs communicate clearly to all involved, inc. parents and other partners outside school
assess staff expectations of their contributory role undertake a numeracy audit then plan for action identify where connections in learning are already in place facilitate collaborative planning, sharing of ideas & feedback. begin to build a straightforward & sustainable portfolio of students achievements Practical Advice
Exemplar: NAL Action Planning Subject/ Pupil Stage Lesson Themes Big ideas, concepts, numeracy focus Notes (including potential dates)
Exemplar: Hermitage Academy S1 Gardening Curriculum focus: whole school policy Aim: The development of a consistent cross-school or cross- departmental approach to numeracy approaches or methodologies, in particular those related to measurement, graph and chart work and basic number processes. A common understanding and use of basic processes by teachers, pupils (and perhaps parents) is to be developed.
Exemplar: Hermitage Academy S1 Gardening Initial steps towards NAL: establish whole school Numeracy Group develop close links with Literacy Group offer Numeracy and Literacy awareness raising day focus on opportunities for interdisciplinary working conduct school Numeracy Audit and hold Staff Quiz provide opportunities to explore practical applications of mathematics and numeracy focus on improving use of appropriate numeracy methods
14 Skills for lifeGardening Hermitage Academy
Hermitage Academy Gardening
staff better understand key features of CfE audits of numeracy leading to policy development better integration of numeracy concepts and skills across learning increased use of authentic contexts for learning and of the local environment Evaluation and Impact
Next steps agree how to best to evaluate the impact of numeracy across learning to involve more departments at the planning stage planning for extension to include other foci, curriculum areas and other student cohorts build a sustainable portfolio of students achievements
Exemplar Musselburgh Grammar School S2 HWB Our project concerns Health & Wellbeing and will involve students in learning across four curricular areas. Students will learn about the issues affecting health, focusing in particular on lifestyle choices, exercise and dietary issues. Numeracy will be picked out in all lessons and integrated across the topic. The departments involved include: Mathematics, Biology, Home Economics and PE.
Exemplar Numeracy Across Learning Action Plan Musselburgh Grammar School S2 HWB Curriculum focus: Biology BMI = Body Mass (Kg) (Height (m)) 2 BMI = Body Mass (Kg) (Height (m)) 2
Reflective questions What arrangements are currently in place for NAL? What more could be done? How do you ensure that planning and organisation is effective? How could you ensure that successful connections across learning can be embedded in practice? What are the staffing, timetabling and resource implications? How do you ensure that you fully involve appropriate people? How do you ensure that pupils are involved?