How to enroll in this programme Certificate in Anti Human Trafficking (CAHT) Certificate in Anti Human Trafficking (CAHT)
Common Prospectus (application form) can be purchased from the nearest Regional Centre. Details of the Regional Centres are also available on the IGNOU website or you can also see the Common Prospectus for details (link is pdf) pdf Where is the application form?
The prospective learners can enroll in this programme by downloading and filling in the application form along with Acknowledgement Card and Student card which is available on the IGNOU website (link is pdf) in the common prospectus pdf Option - 2 Where is the application form?
Points to take a note Fill in application form. Get the Demand Draft made in favour of IGNOU payable at “Regional Centre City”. For eg. If the Regional Centre is in Delhi Demand Draft will be in favour of “IGNOU payable at New Delhi”. Photocopy of your educational qualification as per the eligibility criteria attested by a Gazetted officer and then submit it at the nearest Regional Centre.
Check list Application form Demand Draft/Challan Form for Programme Fee Attested copy of the Certificates in support of Educational Qualification(s) Acknowledgement Card Student Card duly filled along with photograph.
How and where to Submit the Application form? Option 1 Send it by post to the Regional Centre. Option 2 Can be submitted at the Regional Centre personally.
FAQs Q. Is it mandatory to attend classes? Ans. No, it is a distance mode programme where you get the self learning material. Classes are conducted by the Regional Centre if they have study centre for this programme on weekdays. It is not necessary to attend classes in the Regional Centre (study centre).
Q. How to resolve queries if any? Ans. Option 1. If the learner has any query he /she can go and ask the Academic Counsellor at the Study Centre and get answers Option 2 he/she can contact the programme coordinator by at or Telephone no:
Q. Things to be submitted during programme? Ans. 3 assignments, 1 project The learner has to submit 3 Assignments (one for each Course). The Assignments are also available on the IGNOU website/student zone/Assignments/CAHT (programme code) (link is x.htm) x.htm
For project Choose the topic, get approval from the Programme Coordinator/Academic counsellor. Submit synopsis and after approval, work on the project and submit the final project at your Regional Centre.
Fill in the Term End-examination form and submit it to the Regional Centre. Examination form is available on the IGNOU website and also with the Regional Centre. Submit the Examination form along with the Examination fees at the Regional Centre. Student has to go to their Respective Exam Centre and give exam. How and where to give exams?
Mansi Sharma Programme Coordinator School of Law IGNOU