Presentation On Annual Action Plan for IWMP-HARYANA
Summary of IWMP Sr. No. ParticularsYear of AppraisalTotal Batch-I ( ) Batch-II ( ) Batch-III ( ) Batch IV ( ) Batch-V ( ) 1No. of Projects Project Area (In Hac) Project Cost (Rs. Cr) Fund received (Rs. In Cr.) Central + State Total Expenditure (Rs. In Cr.) DPRs sanctioned Projects Closed/ Cancellation --Nil 8Timelines for DPRs Name of the State: Haryana
Abstract of fund requirement by SLNA during year Sl. N o. Item I st QtrII nd Qtr III rd Qtr IV th Qtr TotalUnspent Balance as on Actual require ment (7-8) (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) 1Batch-I (Sanctioned in ) Batch-II (Sanctioned in ) Batch-III ( Sanctioned in ) Batch-IV ( Sanctioned in ) Batch-V ( Sanctioned in ) Batch-VI ( To be Sanctioned in ) Total *62.26 Note- * The Unspent balance projected as on is provisional HaryanaRs. In Crore
Sr. NO.MonthProposed expenditure 1April May June July August September October November December January February March Total Monthly proposed expenditure during Haryana Rs. In Lac
IWMP-Fund Requirement for year Batch – III (Projects sanctioned in ) Rs. In LacHaryana
IWMP-Fund Requirement for year Batch – IV (Projects sanctioned in ) Rs. In LacHaryana
IWMP-Fund Requirement for year Batch- V (Projects sanctioned in ) Haryana Rs. In Lac
Sr. NO. Budget Component Fund Required for year Remarks (Timelines etc. ) 1DPR EPA Training and IEC Admn. Cost Watershed works -- 6Livelihood -- 7Production system & micro-enterprises Monitoring and Evaluation -- 10Consolidation Phase -- Total IWMP-Fund Requirement for year Batch- VI (Projects sanctioned in ) (Amount In lac) Haryana
Capacity Building Capacity Building Plan for State (for all levels of stakeholders prepared or not. Whether CB Plan approved by SLNA and date of approval by SLNA. Whether CB Plan uploaded on SLNA Website or not. Whether Modules of Training have been prepared or not (for all levels of stakeholders) Capacity Building Plan Up to prepared Capacity Building of was approved by SLNA in its meeting held on Capacity Building Plan has not been uploaded on website. DPRs were only required to be uploaded on website. Yes
Capacity Building Whether Modules of Training in local language have been approved by SLNA or not and date of approval. Whether approved Modules are uploaded on SLNA website or not. Whether calendar of Training for have been finalized or not?, if finalized whether it is uploaded on SLNA’s Website or not. What is the total budget required for Capacity Building during Modules of training is yet to be prepared in Hindi. Since, Hindi Modules are yet to be prepared. These will be uploaded thereafter. Not yet, Training calendar will be finalized by and will be uploaded on website thereafter. Rs lacs
Proposed Capacity Building Plan for No. of persons proposed to be trained during All amounts are Rs. In Lakh Level of Stake holder No. of training No. of Beneficiaries Subject of Training Program Name of Training Institute Proposed Expenditure SLNA -- As per Annexure A As per Annexure B - District 269 SIRD Haryana WDT WC WCDC of concerned district Total
Area allocated for (lakh ha) 0.57 No. of Projects14 No. of Districts (Additional Area)Seven Timeline for completing the initial Capacity Building Time line for completion of DPRs Completion of EPA Constitution of WCs Training of WCs Implementation Strategy For Projects Proposed For
Financial Target for Name of the State: Haryana Note: Fund released include central + State Share Rs. In Lac
Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase of IWMP Sl. No. ItemsFor Projects sanctioned in For Projects sanctioned in For Projects sanctioned in Status of Empanelment of Evaluating Agencies --Panel of agencies approved. 2Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase (Completed/On-going/not done) --On going 3If evaluation not done then timeline for completion If completed then status of submission of Evaluation Report along with ATR to DoLR. (Submitted / not submitted) --Yet to be submitted 5If not submitted, then time line report submission along with ATR Name of the State: Haryana
Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase of IWMP Sl. No.ItemsFor Projects sanctioned in For Projects sanctioned in Status of Empanelment of Evaluating Agencies 2Preparatory Phase (Completed/On- going/not done) 3If evaluation not done then timeline for completion. If completed then status of submission of Evaluation 4Report along with ATR to DoLR. (Submitted / not submitted) 5If not submitted, then time line report submission along with ATR. Name of the State: Haryana
Status of engagement of Agencies for Concurrent Monitoring and Evaluation. Name of the State: Haryana Sl. No Items 1Date of Advertisement Status of selection of agencyAgency selected (Gramin Vikas Trust) 3If not done then the timeline for the completion NA 4If completed then the status of submission of report along with ATR to DoLR. (Submitted/Not Submitted) Agency is yet to take up the work of MEL&D 5If not submitted, then time line report submission along with ATR. As per ToR.