Submission November 2003 Dorothy Stanley (Agere Systems) IETF Liaison Report November 2003 Dorothy Stanley – Agere Systems IEEE Liaison To/From IETF
Submission November 2003 Dorothy Stanley (Agere Systems) IEEE i Dependencies IETF AES-CCM Specification –Issued as RFC 3610, see –Resolved i LB 61 comments
Submission November 2003 Dorothy Stanley (Agere Systems) IEEE i Dependencies (via REV) RFC 2284bis – In IETF last call – 84bis/draft-ietf-eap-rfc2284bis-07.d.htmlhttp:// 84bis/draft-ietf-eap-rfc2284bis-07.d.html –Last call (equivalent of Sponsor Ballot) closed November 6 th, 2003.
Submission November 2003 Dorothy Stanley (Agere Systems) Update: CAPWAP BOF Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points (CAPWAP) BOF-2 will be held Nov 14 th, 2003 –BOF-2 Chairs Mahalingam Mani, and Dorothy Gellert, –Mailing List: –Current draft: seamoby-lwapp-03.txthttp:// seamoby-lwapp-03.txt –Charter, links, issues lise available at –Request for IEEE Review of CAPWAP documents, after WG formed. Please see Stuart Kerry or Dorothy Stanley if you’re interested.
Submission November 2003 Dorothy Stanley (Agere Systems) CAPWAP BOF -Charter Clear problem statement of CAPWAP work Description of the split AP (AP – Access Controller) architecture CAPWAP security requirements, defining the needs for security between the AP and the AC, both for host data transport and for AP-AC signaling and control Discovery of ACs by APs Auto-organization of APs and ACs into a managed wireless access network, including AC redundancy Secure Encapsulation of host data and AC-AP signaling, as necessary to address the requirements Secure Configuration of the AP by the AC
Submission November 2003 Dorothy Stanley (Agere Systems) Update: RADIUS WG IETF RADIUS Working Group May be Formed –RADEXT BOF to be held November 14 th, 2003 –Wi-Fi WLAN Public Access Needs, Requests from 3GPP2 Proposed charter includes: –Specifying how RADIUS handles prepaid accounting for WLAN (& other) Pre-paid applications –Standardizing WLAN-related RADIUS attributes. –Standardizing a basic RADIUS attribute extension mechanism Contact Bernard Aboba or David Nelson
Submission November 2003 Dorothy Stanley (Agere Systems) Update: EAP Keying EAP Key Framework Document –See key-problem-07.txthttp:// key-problem-07.txt –Will become an EAP WG work item –Key Naming – Coordinate PMK name definitions as much as possible between i and EAP WG –Joint meeting held with i, Herndon Oct 15, topics: Document status, Key Scoping, EAP State Machines, Key Hierarchies. See 03/830. EAP State Machine Document –Will become an EAP WG work item
Submission November 2003 Dorothy Stanley (Agere Systems) IETF Meetings Recent/upcoming meetings: –November 9-14, 2003 Minneapolis, MN –Feb 29-March Seoul, Korea –August 1-6, 2004 –November 7-12, TBD: Website of IETF/IEEE request/response status –As maintained for others, for example see
Submission November 2003 Dorothy Stanley (Agere Systems) Process: IEEE – IETF Interaction for CAPWAP Background: IEEE (802.11) & IETF have an Established Set of Processes for Standards Development Success of WLAN products motivating CAPWAP development. Leads to need to Establish communication mechanisms between & CAPWAP.
Submission November 2003 Dorothy Stanley (Agere Systems) Process: IEEE – IETF Interaction for CAPWAP Bob O’Hara (acknowledged expert) identified as CAPWAP’s Technical Advisor Establish process for IEEE Review of CAPWAP documents –Chair of IEEE is supportive, and has agreed to establish review process –Call for volunteers within IEEE made at IEEE meeting Nov 12th –Standing Committee or similar to be established within –IEEE target- Review process in place by January IEEE meeting
Submission November 2003 Dorothy Stanley (Agere Systems) Process: IEEE – IETF Interaction Request from IEEE chair for permission to add IETF links to IEEE website –As for other standards organizations, see TBD: Liaison from CAPWAP to IEEE
Submission November 2003 Dorothy Stanley (Agere Systems) Some IEEE Highlights IEEE i (Security) voted to advance IEEE i Draft 7.0 to Sponsor Ballot IEEE e (QOS) re-circulation IEEE k – Radio Resource Measurements – continuing work Discussed Potential new Study Groups: –Mesh Networks –Wireless Performance and Prediction –Public Access Issues –Fast Roaming (SG – TG)
Submission November 2003 Dorothy Stanley (Agere Systems) IEEE Meetings Recent/upcoming meetings: –November 9-14, 2003 Albuquerque NM –January Vancouver BC, Canada –March 14-19, 2004 Orlando, FL –May 9-14, 2004 Anaheim, CA