Funding Arrangements Jointly funded by Lloyds TSB and Mid & East Lothian drug & alcohol partnership (MELDAP) CHILDREN 1ST provide overall management support NHS provide accommodation Completed first 3 years of funding Now into 1st year of 2 years of continuation funding
ORIGINS Findings of the O’Brien Inquiry 2003 into the death of Caleb Ness –Improvements required for better joined up practice to promote more effective service provision –Improved communication and information sharing especially between adult and children’s services –Prevent children from falling through the gaps
LOCAL DEVELOPMENTS CHILDREN 1 ST and adult social work co- located with NHS substance misuse service Establish a multi-agency screening group Every child affected by parental substance misuse to be referred through the screening group A child focus to be central to all adult assessments
About Midlothian Family Support Service Early intervention service Providing a service to parents, children and partner agencies Ensuring a child centered approach Offering consultation on child welfare / child care issues Implement priorities in guidance – Protecting Children Living in Families with Problem Substance Use 2006 Adopting GIRFEC approach
What Works Co-location supports effective communication and information sharing Co-located partners compliment each other’s role and responsibilities Shared knowledge base Coordination of service delivery across all elements of service provision. Robust monitoring of the home environment – able to challenge discrepancies Parents and children are better supported
CHALLENGES Lesson’s learned – Death of Declan Hainey 2010 Roll out of more co-located services Competing priorities Impact of funding constraints
Lorna Field (Children 1 st ) Gemma Goodwin (Adult Social Work) CASE STUDY
Midlothian Council –Adult Social Work Children 1 st CarrGomm NHS Midlothian Council o Children and Family Social Work School Partnerships
NHSChildren 1 st Midlothian Council Co-located team