Stoneyhill Primary School Curriculum Plan MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Subject Areas - English/Maths Subject Areas - English/Maths PE Subject Areas - English/Maths Subject Areas - English/Maths Interdisciplinary Learning Experiences Personal Achievements Literacy, Numeracy, Health & Wellbeing INTERVAL Subject Area plus Music Interdisciplinary Learning Experiences Subject Area plus ICT Interdisciplinary Learning Experiences Whole School Assembly Personal Achievements Literacy, Numeracy, Health & Wellbeing LUNCH Interdisciplinary Learning Experiences Subject Areas (to be decided by teacher) Interdisciplinary Learning Experiences Subject Areas (to be decided by teacher) plus PE East Lothian Council operates an asymmetric week with the pupil week ending at lunchtime on Fridays. Literacy, Numeracy, Health & Wellbeing
TASK: To identify, measure and record personal achievement within the totality of the curriculum. INPUTS TTF Task Group Models from other schools Building the Curriculum 3 ICT Pupils from nursery to P7 Staff OUTPUTS Planning day Video interviews In-service day presentation and workshop. Discussion around moving forward with CfE. Areas for change identified in particular, personal achievement. How do we provide opportunities for this and how do we measure and record progress? Childrens views listened to and used in planning. TTF Task Group outline proposals. Discussion - proposals amended/agreed. Workshop activity around planning an ILE. OUTCOMES Planning will be changed from termly to 4/5 weekly cycles to allow for responsiveness to learner needs. Interdisciplinary experiences, which encompass no more than four subject areas, will be introduced. A challenge week will be introduced and come at the end of a planning block to encourage children to present their learning to others and to self and peer assess their learning. Time will be built into each class weekly programme for the recognition and recording of personal achievements as well as identifying new goals with the learners. Children will take greater responsibility for planning and implementing their own learning. Staff will have a better understanding of what makes a good interdisciplinary learning experience. Staff will have planned an interdisciplinary learning experience. Procedures for recognising and recording achievement will be agreed. Weekly programmes will identify specific allocations of time for interdisciplinary experiences. Across a school year, a greater breadth of themes will be studied in more depth. Children will take on a greater role in identifying personal goals and then demonstrating the knowledge and skills that they have gained. They will have a greater understanding of what they have achieved and how this can be transferred. All children will have their achievements recognised by self/peer/class/whole school/teacher/home/community etc Children will continue to have fun in an environment where active learning is the norm. ILEs will be a feature of every class. Staff will be able to plan and implement ILEs with confidence. All staff will be able to assist children identify goals and progress in personal achievement.