Collaborative Themes Working Group Greg Burgess, SAMH, Choose Life Co-ordinator North Lanarkshire Colin Anderson, NHS Lanarkshire BBV AND Sexual Health Team
Background &Rationale Shift away from silo or single issue working around national campaigns and other related thematic work: Suicide Prevention Week, Alcohol Awareness Week, Mental Health Arts & Film Festival, Mental Health Awareness Week, World AIDS Day/Wider BBV work and sexual health Clear, natural fit of sexual health as an issue to be considered as a collaborative themes topic
Background & Rationale Collaborative Themes working Group ….. Partnership: a range of stakeholders from inter-related disciplines from NHS Lanarkshire, North and South Lanarkshire Councils, Lanarkshire ADP, ChooseLife, Strathclyde Police, Strathclyde Fire & Rescue and the voluntary and community sectors. Partner participation: What does this really mean and involve in practice? All partners taking an active role not just lip service.
Initial barriers and solutions to overcome these…… Perceived opportunities/threats regarding this way of working Different cultures and hierarchies within partner organisations Evaluation: the tension between outcomes and process
Delivery on the ground….. Decision making on activities devolved by the Working Group to local communities Local infrastructure: Local Area Teams (LATs) in North Lanarkshire and a Problem Solving Group (PSG) in the South; Cascading effect: shared responsibility and partnership Incorporate collaborative themes into existing or planned activities Links with local people: Community Forums, tenants associations etc Follow up support
Delivery on the ground cont ….. Consistency of approach; via role of local Health Improvement staff, Social Work and Housing Staff, Voluntary Sector Related sub groups: Resources Sub Group, Evaluation Framework sub group etc.
Plans and progress to date…. Examples of what has been/will be delivered and shared: Joint resources Reaching hard to reach populations using innovative means - Now Youre Talking Drama Performances in Lanarkshire pubs and clubs Football Dance LGBT training for staff Media strategy Consider the question What in effect is resource? Have we moved towards increased pooling/sharing? Not just about £!
Plans and progress to date…. Actual/potential criticisms of this approach: This is nothing new? Everyone should be working together like this anyway? The partnership working will fall away once the campaigns are past? Do Staff and Public pick up the messages?
In conclusion…… A true, collaborative attempt to take a more holistic approach to overall health improvement work which incorporates inter-related topics and issues.
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