Lake Okeechobee Status Lake Okeechobee WRAC Committee David Unsell, PE March 28, 2007
Water Quality – Total Suspended Solids
Water Quality – Total Phosphorus
Algal Blooms and Toxins
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
Monthly Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Transect Sampling OBJECTIVES: To understand changes in SAV communities as they relate to changes in water level and transparency
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Transect Sites
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Transect Sites
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Transect Sites
Dry Conditions January 07 February 07 March 07
Exotic Vegetation Management
In-Lake Restoration Projects Provided cost share funds of $450,000 to the City of Pahokee for Pahokee Harbor. Provided cost share funds of $450,000 to the City of Pahokee for Pahokee Harbor. Selected sites in and around the Clewiston lock to plant native pond apple and cypress along the pass and rim canal spoil islands while water levels are low. Selected sites in and around the Clewiston lock to plant native pond apple and cypress along the pass and rim canal spoil islands while water levels are low. Developed a Cooperative Agreement with the Florida Freshwater Fish and Game Commission to conduct sediment removal in the Cody's Cove area of the remnant organic berm on the NW marsh shoreline. In discussions with the City of Belle Glade for navigational dredging and boat ramp extensions in the Belle Glade marina
Temporary Forward Pumps Notice to Proceed with installation was issued to Lucas Marine Construction on March 21, 2007 April 4 the S351 pumps are ready to operate April 11 the S354 pumps are ready to operate April 18 the S352 pumps are ready to operate
Temporary Forward Pumps Denise Arrieta, Construction Project Manager, Tim Carter, Construction Division Director, Cled Weldon, Engineering Department Director,