College of the Redwoods Grants Process Prudence Ratliff, Grants Director
Learning Outcomes Participants will be able to: 1. Navigate through the Grants Process. 2. Know where to access resources and assistance.
Step 1: Feasibility & Initial Proposal
Feasibility Feedback: Grant possibility Recommendations ◦ Possible match ◦ Partnerships ◦ Budget ◦ Etc.
Preliminary Grants Proposal Form Send to your Associate Dean or VP Send to Grants Director with approval from your Associate Dean or VP Grants Director submits to Cabinet for approval to pursue grant proposal once approval has been received
Preliminary Grants Proposal Form uments/GrantProposalForm_004.pdf uments/GrantProposalForm_004.pdf
Step II: Cabinet Approval
Step III: Grant Writing & Submission
Confirm Buy in from Stakeholders: Academic Senate Classified Managers Community Partners ◦ K-12 Schools ◦ HSU/Other 4 year institutions ◦ WIB ◦ Business & Industry ◦ Others
Write Grant & Develop Budget Pay close attention to the grantors guidelines Grants Director can help: ◦ General information needed ◦ Budget Development ◦ Other
Budget: Begin working with the Business Office early Indirect Costs: ◦ Federal = 20% ◦ State = 4% ◦ Foundation = will be set by the grantor ◦ Review the RFA carefully – sometimes indirect is not allowed Tips for developing the budget: ◦ Salary & Benefits ◦ Include taxes and installation costs ◦ Will you need a grants manager?
Have the grant reviewed by stakeholders
Application Submission Approval Form Send to your Associate Dean or VP Send to Grants Director with approval from your Associate Dean or VP Grants Director submits to Cabinet for approval
Application Submission Approval Form uments/GrantApplicationSubmissionA pproval_001.pdf uments/GrantApplicationSubmissionA pproval_001.pdf
Administration approves final application: ◦ Associate Dean ◦ Executive Dean or VP ◦ President may be required to sign the application
Grant Application Submission Read the RFA carefully on the submission Requirements Try to submit a few days before the deadline in case of any issues that may arise Grants Director must submit the application with your assistance and receive copy of final application
Grant Awarded Inform Grants Director You must work with the Grants Director on setup of grant ◦ MOU ◦ Budget Setup in the Business Office ◦ Other You must work with the Grants Director on Fiscal Oversight of the grant
Grant Denied Inform Grants Director Grants Director can help with: ◦ Reapplication ◦ Redirection
Grants Website Inside Redwoods:
Contact Information: Prudence Ratliff, Grants Director Phone: Office: Printing Services