CCE 145: M USIC & C REATIVE E XPRESSION Wednesday, 6:30 – 8:30 pm IB 1409, North Seattle Community College Candice Hoyt, Instructor Online:
S ESSION 3: 4/21 A4d. Found Sound – 4/21 Your music instruments Play a song A2a. Music File (first draft) – 4/28 A4c. Rhythm Pictures – 4/28 Elements of Music Review Play a welcome song Rhythm (percussion) Clapping songs Bouncing songs Upcoming assignments A3a. Five New Songs – move to 5/10
A4 D. F OUND S OUND Your instruments Play a song
R EQ. # 4: F OUR M ATERIALS = 25 PTS A4d. Found Sound: 6 pts 2 found-object created sound makers: i. Clearly different sounds: 1.5 pts total ii. Can be heard across classroom: 0.75 pt each iii. Not normally used as instruments: 0.75 pt each iv. Engaging sound: 0.75 pt each SUBMISSION Bring instruments to class on A4d due date Play selections in class and participate in the group composition Post online on due date: Drop Box A4d: Description and preferably also photos and/or design template as attachment (Word, PowerPoint, PDF, etc). Discussion Forum A4d: Description copied into text; plus photos and/or design template or any other documents as attachment (Word, PowerPoint, PDF, etc)
S HARE YOUR INSTRUMENTS Show your instruments Get in groups to play a short song
A2 A. (4/28) M USIC F ILE ( DRAFT ) Assignment details Questions?
R EQ. # 2: M USIC F ILE = 5 PTS A2a. Music File draft: 0.5 pt each, x 4 = 2 pts Develop an expanding system for collecting music activities in self-chosen categories that enables you to plan music more easily. i. Permanent, organized system ii. Multiple categories iii. All music activities done in class are filed iv. In attendance to present assignment on due date SUBMISSION A2a. Music File draft Bring to class on A2a due date Post online on due date: Drop Box: A2a. Music File draft – as attachment (Word, PowerPoint, PDF, description, photo, etc). Discussion Forum: A2a. Music File draft – describe in text; attach files as in Drop Box.
R EQ. # 2: M USIC F ILE = 5 PTS A2b. Music File final: 0.5 pt each x 6 = 3 pts Develop an expanding system for collecting music activities in self-chosen categories that enables you to plan music more easily. i. Activities cross-referenced by type and content/subject ii. Recorded music referenced iii. Specific movement activities referenced iv. Clear and organized well enough for someone else to use v. All music activities done in class to current date are filed vi. In attendance to present assignment on due date SUBMISSION A2b. Music File final Bring to class on A2b due date Post online on due date: Drop Box: A2b. Music File draft – as attachment (Word, PowerPoint, PDF, description, photo, etc). Discussion Forum: A2b. Music File draft – describe in text; attach files as in Drop Box.
A4 C. (4/28) R HYTHM P ICTURES Assignment details Examples Questions?
R EQ. # 4: F OUR M ATERIALS = 25 PTS A4c. Rhythm Pictures: 5 pts i. Identical format across set: 1 pt ii. Common theme (e.g., tools): 1 pt iii. At least four 2/4 time rhythmic building blocks: 1 pt iv. Each has distinct & engaging physical movement: 0.25 pt x 4 v. Images visually appealing: 0.25 pt x 4 SUBMISSION Bring rhythm pictures to class on A4c due date Perform in class in small group Post online on due date: Drop Box A4c: Pictures and description as attachment (Word, PowerPoint, PDF, etc). Discussion Forum A4c: Detailed description copied into text; plus pictures and any other documents as attachment (Word, PowerPoint, PDF, etc).
M USIC PRACTICE Review Play a welcome song
M USIC PRACTICE ReviewSing & play a welcome song
R HYTHM & PERCUSSION Bouncing songs Clapping songs
R HYTHM Clapping/rhythm songs Bouncing songs Bumpin’ up and down in my little red wagon Walking walking walking horses, trotting trotting… Father and mother and uncle jon
U PCOMING D UE D ATES This week… 4/20: A7b(2): Interval Paper #2 4/21:Read: pp & A 4d: Found Sound Next week… 4/27: A7b(3): Interval Paper #3 4/28: A 2a: Music File (first draft) A 4c: Rhythm Pictures Read: weeks… 5/4:A7b(4): Interval Paper #4 5/5:FIELD TRIP Monday 5/10: A 3a: Five New Songs
R EQ. 3: T HREE M USIC A CTIVITIES = 15 PTS A3a.Five New Songs = 5 pts i. Each 0.5 pt = 2.5 pts Includes at least 1 “round” song or 2.0 pts max ii. Sing solo in small group = 1.5 pts iii. Detailed list (referenced to website, etc) = 1 pt SUBMISSION Bring songs to class on A3a due date Perform one song in class Post online on due date: Drop Box A3a: Detailed list (plus any other documents) as attachment (Word, PowerPoint, PDF, etc). Discussion Forum A3a: Detailed list copied into text; plus any other documents as attachment (Word, PowerPoint, PDF, etc)