Stuff to do Project Progress Slides
Week 12 March Create Demo Day Poster Contact USRadar-check on progress of panel analysis Write abstract for I2A Continue work on SyRS, SDS, Final Report Analysis of University X-Rays using pixcavator Work on Website
Week 13 April 1-5 Submit abstract to Dr. Dozier for review Continue work on SyRS, SDS, Final report Tweek Demo Day Poster Analyze USRadar information(if applicable), call and threaten if not Work on Website
Week 14 April Continue work on SyRS, SDS, and Final Report Finish any analysis on X-Ray/GPR data Work on Website Prepare for demoday presentation Due date for Abstract submission for I2A
Week 15 April Complete demo day poster if not already finished Continue work on SyRS, SDS, and final report I2A symposium, April 16th from 12:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Week 16 April I2A Demo Day April 22 at 2:30 pm The Demonstration Day (Demo Day) will be held from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm on Monday, April 22 rd, in the Vogt, Room 314 Practice for final presentation Finish SyRS, SDS, final report, if not finished Finish Website, if not finished Put together binder containing final report, SyRS, SDS Complete final CUE survey by COB April 26 th
Week 17 April 29 Handover if not completed already Celebrate upcoming graduation Final Presentation, Monday, April 29 th, from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm Have final peer review finished by April 29 th