By Ujala,Maria and Group
Plants and animals can’t live without freshwater, because all organisms are made up mostly by water. A tree for example is about 60% water by weight and most animals are about 50-65% water. Also each of us needs huge amounts of water. freshwater
Only a tiny fraction of the planet’s abundant water is available to us as freshwater. About 97.4% by volume is found in the oceans and is too salty for drinking, irrigation, or industry (except as a coolant). Most of the remaining 2.6% water is freshwater and locked up in ice layers or glaciers or it’s too deep underground to be reached or too salty to be used. Thus, only about 0.014% of the earth’s total volume of water is easily available to us as soil moisture, usable groundwater, water vapor, and lakes and streams.
The concentration of dissolved O 2 highly depends also on the amount of pollutants, because most water pollutants cause low oxygen levels in freshwater. These pollutants make it difficult for species to live, and many aquatic organisms, especially fish, die when dissolved oxygen levels fall below 5 ppm. There are a few natural sources of pollutants present in aquatic ecosystems. But mostly, freshwater ecosystems may become unbalanced by factors due to human activities. Human activities affect the bioavailability of chemicals to organisms, cause temperature fluctuations, and modify rainfall, pH and salinity.pollutantspHsalinity
Water plays a key role in diluting pollutants and because of that superiority as a solvent, it also means that water-soluble wastes pollute water easily. For instance, runoff from nearby land provides freshwater life zones with an almost constant input of organic material, inorganic nutrients, and other pollutants. Some 1500 substances have been listed as pollutants in freshwater ecosystems.
The types of species that could become affected by water pollution in freshwater ecosystems are: -insects -crustaceans -fish -amphibians -arthropods -plants -fungi -bacteria -algae -viruseswater pollution
Insects are usually the most sensitive group, followed by crustaceans, fish and amphibians. Any changes could have harmful or disastrous effects for them. Adverse effects, such as the presence of toxic substances in industrial effluents, may affect many components of the aquatic ecosystem. The extent of which will depend on both biotic and abiotic site-specific characteristics.toxic substances bioticabiotic
After literature review we found a solution and thought of trying it to clean water of a polluted pond of our college We took banana peels dried them in sunlight for a week and than grinded them we got powder of banana peels
We brought pond water in lab.. Which was highly polluted
We added a spatula of Banana powder in this water mixed it and kept it for one hour
After one hour the water got cleaned as banana peel contain chemicals that adsorb all the effluents from fresh water.. Those effluents can be collected from base of water with the help of manet as pollutants are metallic e.g copper and lead..