DE GRUYTER OPEN ORGANIZATION-PAYS PROGRAM FOR BOOKS 2May 13, 2015Organization-Pays Program for Books
ABOUT DE GRUYTER OPEN Established in 2001; Leading Open Access publisher in various models; Publisher of scholarly journals and books in all major disciplines; Provider of professional publishing services. 3May 13, 2015Organization-Pays Program for Books
ABOUT DE GRUYTER Founded in 1749; Publisher of the oldest journal in mathematics; Number 1 worldwide in some areas (e.g. linguistics); Around 900 journals (400 in Open Access); Over books; Partners with major content distributors. 4May 13, 2015Organization-Pays Program for Books
DE GRUYTER OPEN FACTS & FIGURES Member of: Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers; International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers; Directory of Open Access Journals; Directory of Open Access Books. 5May 13, 2015Organization-Pays Program for Books
CUSTOMERS 6 … and many others May 13, 2015Organization-Pays Program for Books
OUR TITLES Open Access Books program covers 23 disciplines 7May 13, 2015Organization-Pays Program for Books
EXAMPLE OF BOOK WEBPAGE 8 AT May 13, 2015Organization-Pays Program for Books
OPEN ACCESS PUBLISHING PROGRAMS FOR BOOKS Author Pays – this program is addressed to academic authors; here, De Gruyter Open covers all publishing costs and keeps the Book Processing Charges paid by authors Organization Pays - in this option, a society or another organization that collates the contents of the book pays publishing fees to De Gruyter Open for the full range of publishing services 9May 13, 2015Organization-Pays Program for Books
ORGANIZATION-PAYS PUBLISHING PROGRAM FOR BOOKS Readers have open access to your content; Organization pays publication costs. 10 HOW IT WORKS? May 13, 2015Organization-Pays Program for Books
ORGANIZATION-PAYS De Gruyter Open provides publishing services: Basic and Optional Services; Organization pays De Gruyter Open a fee for each published book; Organization can buy Optional Services, which are paid separately. 11May 13, 2015Organization-Pays Program for Books BUSINESS MODEL
EDITORIAL Provision of stylesheet; Copyediting and contacting author for proofreading; Language editing; Online manuscript submission and peer review system; Plagiarism detection system. 12 SELECTED SERVICES May 13, 2015Organization-Pays Program for Books
PRODUCTION Online hosting and distribution platform; Allocation of DOI; Automatic metadata distribution to CrossRef ; Manuscript PDF file composition; Book cover design. 13 SELECTED SERVICES May 13, 2015Organization-Pays Program for Books
MARKETING Standard book webpage on website; Arranging for indexing by A&I services; metadata distribution to A&I services; Assistance in application to Thomson Scientific; Providing content usage statistics; Promotional leaflet design (E-FLYER); Newsletters/alerts. 14 BASIC SERVICES May 13, 2015Organization-Pays Program for Books
DISTRIBUTION Exclusive distribution to libraries; user authentication; Arranging for coverage by eBook distributors; full-text distribution to such repositories; Arranging for coverage by full-text repositories; full-text distribution to such repositories; Arranging for coverage by open access directories; metadata distribution to such directories; Arranging for coverage by long-term preservation service(s); full-text distribution to such services. 16 SELECTED SERVICES May 13, 2015Organization-Pays Program for Books
ORGANIZATION-PAYS MODEL Sales and distribution of printed and non-PDF formats; Publicity campaigns for books; ing to potential readers (using DGO database); Print flyer per book. 17 OPTIONAL SERVICES May 13, 2015Organization-Pays Program for Books
NEXT STEPS? Get in touch to find out more about the organization-pays model! 18May 13, 2015Organization-Pays Program for Books
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION 19May 13, 2015Organization-Pays Program for Books