Pharmacology Science that studies interactions of drugs with organism on different levels (subcellular, cellular, organ, systemic) Studies: -relationship between chemical structure and biologic activity -site of effect localisation -mechanism of action -fate of drug in organism -evaluation of relationship between dose and biologic effect
Clinical pharmacology is the science of drugs and clinical use of drugs branches: -pharmacodynamics -pharmacokinetics -rational prescribing -adverse drug effects -drug interactions -toxicology -drug development
Pharmacogenetics study of genetic variation which cause different response to drugs is taking into consideration one or only a few genes e.g. of genetic variation: “slow and fast acetylators“ (variation in the N- acetyltransferase gene)
Pharmacovigilance science of collecting, monitoring and evaluating information of the adverse effects of medications, biological products, herbalism and other medicines from Greek pharmacon = drug Latin vigilare = to keep alert
Pharmacoeconomics study that evaluates the cost and effects of a drug or drug therapy examples of pharmacoeconomic evaluation types: -cost – benefit analysis -cost – minimization analysis