Coronary Circulation and Vasculature
Coronary Circulation Coronary arteries provide oxygen and nutrients to cardiac tissue. Right and left coronary arteries are the aorta’s first branches.
Coronary Circulation Cardiac veins, carrying CO 2 /wastes, empty into the coronary sinus of the right atrium
Blockage of Coronary Arteries What will happen if there is a clot (or blockage from atherosclerosis) in a coronary artery? Blockage of blood supply (and therefore O 2 /nutrients) to cardiac tissue Cell Death!!! =Myocardial Infarction (heart attack) What results? Cell death!!
Coronary Bypass: attach artery/vein graft directly from aorta to just beyond blockage
Coronary Artery Balloon Angioplasty Indication for procedure Step One: Catheter
Step 2: Pre-Dye
Step 3: Balloon Step 4: Stent
Step 5: Post-Dye Before & After
Cutting Balloon: (Directional Atherectomy) Small blades cut the plaque, balloon compresses the fatty matter into the arterial wall.
Rotoblation: (Rotational Atherectomy) Tip spins at a high speed and grinds away the plaque on the arterial walls