Jaguar By: Hannah Bjur Many jaguars look different from each other. But all jaguars have some things in common.
Description A jaguar is a mammal that lives in shrubby areas from South and Central America. Jaguars are wild cats. They are 4 to 6 feet long. Their tails are 2 to 3 feet long. They are bigger than leopards. They are the biggest cat in the New World. They are yellow or black and have black spots. They weigh 100 to 250 pounds and run 50 mph. Mph stands for miles per hour. They are also good swimmers.
Habitat Jaguars live in South and Central America. They live in rain forests, swamps, and deserts. They sleep on tree branches and they mark their territory by clawing trees..
Diet A jaguar is a carnivore also called a meat eater. They hunt mammals, reptiles, and birds. They also eat eggs and they also eat deer. They hunt at night. They bury their prey after they kill it to eat later. They also eat anything they catch. They hunt alone during mating season. They also hunt their prey at dusk.
Survival A jaguar is in danger because of humans. Humans hunt jaguars for their fur. They have habitat loss because they kill farmer’s animals then the farmers kill the jaguars. They are not hunted by any other animals.
Conclusion There are no other animals quite like a jaguar.
Bibliography Helen Frost, Jaguars, Katie Marsicom, Baby Zoo Animals- Jaguar, 2013 Defenders of Wildlife A-Z Animals Enchanted Learning