A Dual View of Midwifery IT 12 th June 2012 Patricia Reilly IM&T Systems Support, Training and Development Manager
Background Qualified Midwife 1997 IT Project Midwife 1999 – 2002 IT Development Manager 2002 – 2004 IT Training, Support and Development Manager 2004…..
Midwifery Data Collection – What? Hospital Episode Statistics (Maternity Tails) Payment by Results Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts Data Set Control Notices Smoking Breastfeeding Screening Key Performance Indicators Local Initiatives Research and Development Specialist Midwife Data Collection Patient Management Risk Management
Midwifery Data Requirements The Future…. Maternity & Children's Data Set Over 1000 data item requirements – phased and incremental approach Phase 1 due May 2013 No scheduled plans for subsequent phases Will includes data relating to: Maternity Care Plans Dating scan Antenatal Screening Tests Structural Fetal Anomaly screening Labour & delivery Postnatal Demographics New born Screening Maternal and Neonatal Death
Midwifery Data Requirements The Future….WHY? Maternity & Children's Data Set Record, compare and improve outcomes and safety Improve clinical quality and service efficiency Commission services in a way that reduces inequalities Improve accountability by providing comparative information to service users Provide activity data for Payment by Results Support regulation Increase the understanding and dissemination of best practice Meet data set standards AND…… Enable midwives to care for their patients…maybe?
Midwifery Data Collection The Challenges How can we find the time - we are looking after patients How can we get access to systems - The majority of Midwifery care is in the community and midwives have to access a multitude of systems How can we ensure easy data entry – we are not IT experts How can we avoid duplication of data - it is a waste of time and frustrating
Midwifery Data Collection The Challenges How can we ensure effective communication To women and their families Between Midwives To Diagnostic Services To Consultant Care To Primary Care To Social Care and Child Protection To Anyone else?
Countess Overall IT Strategy Robust, highly integrated system with access to:- patients’ details clinicians’ notes treatments etc. Pathways guide doctors & nurses Electronic Documentation Electronic ordering & reporting Results and letters to GPs Over 2,000 networked PCs Around 200 operating remotely
Developments for Midwives Status Boards Patient Alerts Mobile Solution for Community
Status Board
Community Data Collection
Benefits for Community Midwives Complete redesign of Infrastructure makes access via mobile devices quick, easy and secure The ability to record Clinical Outcomes ensures key clinical information is shared between community staff and acute trust staff Community staff no longer return to site to enter data saving time and money Community midwifery activity is now available for statistical analysis
Understand all the challenges Challenge the one size fits all approach Influence procurement Understand the impact of change on system users Ensure effective training and support is in place Ensure clinicians understand the Why! Ensure effective communication between IT and clinicians to minimise frustration! Provide Translation services? Midwifery Data Collection How can clinicians working in IT influence?
Midwifery Data Collection How can clinicians influence IT? Engagement!
Midwifery Data Collection What can IT do next? Listen to requirements Understand the challenges from the multitude of views Clinician Information Services IT Infrastructure IT Applications team Supporting Services Primary care Social care Work together to provide a solution National Solution?