Stimulus 3 Tam o Shanter
Now, wha this tale o truth shall read, Ilk man, and mothers son, take heed: Wheneer to drink you are inclind, Or cutty sarks rin in your mind, Think! Ye may buy the joys oer dear: Remember Tam o Shanters mare.
Tam o Shanter (in a nutshell) Johnny and Tam in the pub drinking. Tam decides to take the shortcut home through Alloway Kirk with his horse Meg. In the graveyard Tam sees the devil waking up the dead. Witches, warlocks and the dead all dance Scottish dances, the devil playing the bagpipes. Tam gets carried away and shouts out Weel done cutty sark. They start to chase him. He jumps on his horse and tries to cross the bridge. (Witches cant cross running water.) One witch catches Megs tail and pulls it off.
In the pub 1.Set up the scene in the pub in a freeze-frame. People drinking, laughing, etc. 2.Scottish music starts and the pub comes to life. One person starts dancing and gets someone else up. There is a knock-on effect until everyone has joined in – follow the leader. 3.Form a circle and devise different moves. Use Scottish dance moves for inspiration. 4.Closing time (music fades). Everyone leaves. Johnny and Tam are last to go.
At Alloway Kirk Look at the six quotations from the poem on the resource sheet. Task: Create six tableaux showing the scene at the graveyard. (You should have a narrator reading out the quotations to accompany the tableaux.)
In the graveyard Create a play about a group of children who dare each other to stay in a graveyard until midnight. Try to create a spooky mood and atmosphere. Do they tell ghost stories? Do some of them go missing? Do they see some ghosts? Do they hear strange noises? Is someone playing tricks on them?
Alcohol abuse Alcohol abuse is the drinking of 21 units or more a week for men and 14 units or more for women (21 units = 8 pints lager). Alcohol abuse can lead to liver damage, brain damage, increased risk of heart attacks, stomach cancer and damage to the bodys nervous system. Alcohol abuse can also be responsible for destroying relationships. It is associated with increases in crime, violence and unemployment.
Features of a docu-drama Presenter Panel of experts with information Reconstructions Interviews Flashbacks Studio audience – question and answer session