Training Course on “Training of Trainers from the Greater Mekong Sub- Region on Decentralized Education Planning in the Context of Public Sector Management Reform” Issues, challenges in using the internationally comparative data Mekong Institute & UNESCO Regional Office-Bangkok 23 February – 6 March 2009; Khon Kaen, Thailand Prepared by the Education Policy and Reform Unit UNESCO Bangkok February 2009 Module E4 Slide 1
Session 3 What are the issues, challenges in using the internationally comparative data at the country level and how to resolve them? Slide 2
Issues on Collecting, Using the Internationally Comparative Data (1) Comparability (Definitional issue) Use of population data Level of disaggregation Availability of statistics Multiple sources Usefulness and way to interpret Slide 3
Comparability (Definitional issue) National definition vs. International definition Theoretical definition vs. Operational definition Different conceptual definitions Slide 4 Issues on Collecting, Using the Internationally Comparative Data (2)
Use of population data National estimates vs. UN estimates Different sources at the national level Different sources at the regional and global levels Slide 5 Issues on Collecting, Using the Internationally Comparative Data (3)
Level of disaggregation Availability of data by disaggregating Geographical break-down Other social-economic break-down Slide 6 Issues on Collecting, Using the Internationally Comparative Data (4)
Availability of statistics Which indicators are available at the which level Regional average Global figures Estimating methodology (Treating missing values) Slide 7 Issues on Collecting, Using the Internationally Comparative Data (5)
Multiple sources Different sources at the national level Different sources at the regional and global levels Population Education Indicators Surveys vs. EMIS Slide 8 Issues on Collecting, Using the Internationally Comparative Data (6)
Usefulness and way to interpret Unit of analysis Purpose (monitoring vs planning) Ranking among the countries Index Political agenda Slide 9 Issues on Collecting, Using the Internationally Comparative Data (7)
How are we resolving? Slide 10 Issues on Collecting, Using the Internationally Comparative Data (8)
Slide 11 Be Transparent about Differences between National and International Indicators Problem: Differences between national and international indicators create confusion: ISCED & population estimates Solution: Greater transparency, accurate documentation and communication of the differences How: Better coordination with relevant agencies A systematic ISCED mapping Identification of data gaps technical guidelines Clear and transparent on how and sources of data for producing indicators
Slide 12 Integrate Evidence from a Range of Data Sources Problem: the widening range of indicators and data sources that are available but not comparable Solution: Harmonization of measurement concepts and maintaining standards across different data sources How: Development of standard monitoring indicators Harmonizing definitions to support collection and use of survey-based data, e.g.. NSO household surveys Improvement on meta data
Slide 13 Diagnose/Follow up Infrastructure and Technical Capacity Problems Problem: Weak/ineffective information system or no reliable national information (particularly -post-conflict countries & emergencies) Solution: Wide range of partnerships. Strategic interventions in chain of data production. Donors: funding and raising the importance of statistics How: Diagnosing systems (DQAF) to identify problems in data production cycles Capacity building Exploiting Information technology
Slide 14 Support Culture of Data Use Problem: lack of demand-driven services, use of statistics; low analytical capacity; low investments in statistics Solution: Stimulate demand and supply for reliable data: How: Evidence-based planning Capacity building Creating and pressuring demand (global development agenda: EFA, MDG, PRSP, MEA)
Slide 15 Narrow the Data Relevance Gap – (identify issues – develop concepts) Problem: Indicators do not address key policy issues Solution: Improving existing and developing new indicators through: inter-Governmental consultations technical advice and approbation process How: Involving stake-holders in questionnaire redesign Allowing for context- & regionally-specific indicators E.g. Global & Regional EFA Working Groups E.g. GMR, MDA, Capacity building
Slide 16 Narrow the Data Timeliness Gap - (identify blockages – improve production cycle) Problem: Data do not capture recent changes in policy Solution: improve timely collection and reporting: Donors’ pressure for data use in planning Review system of data collection and reporting How: Evidence-based planning Aligning data collection to national production cycles Full utilization of information technology Capacity building and effective resource management
Thank You Slide 17