This work is supported by the National Science Foundation’s Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM program within the Directorate for Education and Human Resources (DUE ). I NTRO TO GETSI FOR P ILOT -T ESTERS The webinar begins at: 2 pm PT | 3 pm MT For audio, call: (or ) Access Code: Press *6 to mute and unmute (but hopefully we won’t need any muting) Headphones give less feedback than speakerphone.
W EBINAR G OALS By the end of the webinar you will be able to: Describe GETSI and its guiding principles State what data will be collected, why, and how (GLE, attitudinal surveys, student work) Find more information and resources as you need on the GETSI website to support beta- testing
P EOPLE I NVOLVED PIs – Facilitator--Beth Pratt-Sitaula (UNAVCO) – Introductory--Becca Walker (Mt SAC) – Majors--Bruce Douglas (Indiana U) SERC Assessment/Evaluation – Ellen Iverson (SERC)
GETSI-SERC RELATIONSHIP GETSI largely uses the InTeGrate model for development (as practical) GETSI largely uses InTeGrate assessment process for module quality and student learning evidence GETSI site is hosted by SERC
A five-year community effort to improve geoscience literacy and build a workforce prepared to tackle environmental and resource issues An NSF STEP Center DUE InTeGrate supports the teaching of geoscience in the context of societal issues both within geoscience courses and across the undergraduate curriculum.
Geoscience must come together with other disciplines as our nation and the world struggle with significant environmental and resource challenges. Meeting these challenges will require a savvy public, a new kind of workforce, and a broader understanding of geoscience by all who engage these issues USGS Barefoot Photographers of Tilonia Interdisciplinary Teaching of Geoscience for a Sustainable Future
Example modules (all Intro)
G UIDING P RINCIPLES FOR M ATERIALS D EVELOPMENT A.Address Grand Challenges B.Interdisciplinary problems (geoscience applied to social issues) C.Nature and methods of science (geoscientific habits of mind) D.Authentic geodesy data and inquiry E.[System thinking]
G RAND C HALLENGES G EODESY /GETSI --subset of these of particular societal importance
B. I NTERDISCIPLINARY PROBLEMS ( GEOSCIENCE & SOCIAL SCIENCE TIED TOGETHER ) GETSI Year 1 modules Majors – learning to identify earthquake faults and rupture characteristics to better protect critical societal infrastructure Intro – analyze societal consequences of sea level rise
C. N ATURE AND METHODS OF SCIENCE Integrating Geoscientific thinking into learning materialsGeoscientific Single most important thing you can do is to simply make your thinking explicit Think aloud to students as you reason through a geoscientific question Ask students to explore the uncertainty in data rather than just the data itself Add reflective prompts to existing activities that involve open- ended inquiry or research projects Ask students how and why they would address a problem rather than solve the problem (Ex. designing a field investigation)
D. A UTHENTIC GEODESY DATA AND INQUIRY P ARTICULARLY CRITICAL ASPECT OF GETSI GETSI Year 1 modules Intro – satellite sea level, tidal gauge, GRACE satellite [gravity], temperature, GPS for ice mass changes Majors – LiDAR, InSAR
E. [S YSTEMS T HINKING ] Earth is a complex and dynamic system Students need to understand that changes in one part of the system can affect other parts Systems thinking strategies – Explicitly highlight connections in discussions/lecture – Concept maps – Case studies – Simple models
L INKING G OALS AND P ROCESS : T HE M ATERIALS D ESIGN R UBRIC 1.Guiding Principles 2.Learning Goals and Outcomes 3.Assessment and Measurement 4.Resources and Materials 5.Instructional Strategies 6.Alignment 7.GETSI-specific Instructional Strategies
C LASSROOM P ILOT & D ATA C OLLECTION *IRB approval Development Timeline
Pre- & Post-course Geoscience Literacy Assessment (GLE 8 MC questions) 2 from each literacy document 4 Single answer and 4 “select all that apply” Two post-course short essay questions (interdisciplinary & systems thinking)
Critical to keep these questions SECURE! Example of GLE question
P OST - COURSE SHORT ESSAY QUESTIONS See websitewebsite Critical to keep these questions SECURE!
Graded by faculty of the pilot testing classroom based upon a rubric Summative and conclusive measuring the level of understanding when learning related to that module goal is completed Used in the same fashion in all materials pilot- testing classrooms
Pre- & post-course motivation and career interest survey (related to project evaluation)
Course Information Demographic data Faculty Reflection Survey Post-Pilot Testing
Conducted and setup through SERC using course set-up form
Data Collection Where can you find help?
GETSI C OURSE S TATUS P AGE Once your course set-up form is completed, this will be your go-to place to see your progress in the assessment process
I MPORTANT LINKS This webinar – within “Team Meetings” GETSI website Material Testers information – GETSI Course Set-up Form – do it this week html html – Materials Testing Overview s.html s.html – Data Collection Details e_status.html e_status.html – Course Status Page html html Materials in Progress – access to your modules
F OLLOW UP WORK Finish IRB Process Complete Course Set-up FormCourse Set-up Form Review website information