Machine Learning on Images Janez Brank
Introduction Collections of images (a.k.a. pictorial databases) Image retrieval Image classification –How do we represent images? –How do we classify them based on this representation?
Global image descriptors (1) Describe entire image with one vector Histograms –Split (or “quantize”) the color space into C disjoint regions. –For each color region, remember what percentage of the image is covered by pixels whose colors are from that region. Color coherence vectors (Pass et al., 1996, 1999) –Distinguish pixels belonging to a larger patch of pixels of the same color from the “lonelier” ones.
Global image descriptors (2) Autocorrelograns (Huang et al., 1997) –Given a randomly chosen pixel of color c and a randomly chosen pixel at distance d from it, what is the probability that this second pixel also has color c? –Store this for all c and for some d. Banded autocorrelograms (Huang et al., 1998) –For each c, sum the corresponding acg entries over all d.
Segmentation Divide the image into several “regions”. Each should be uniform in terms of color and/or texture. –Describe each region separately. –How do we define similarity between images based on the similarity between regions? WALRUS (Natsev et al., 1998) –Slice the image into small windows or tiles (e.g. 4 4 pixels) –Describe a window using the principal coefficients of the wavelet transform ( a 12-dimensional vector) –Cluster the descriptions (and hence windows).
Similarity measures for segmented images WALRUS: –Look for pairs of regions (one region from each image) whose descriptions are close enough. –Calculate the percentage of the images covered by these regions. IRM (integrated region matching; Li et al., 2000) –Distance between images is expressed as a weighted sum of distances between regions –To assign weights, similarity between regions, as well as their size, is taken into account.
Machine learning techniques The k nearest neighbor method: –Classify a new instance by finding the k training instances closest to it and choosing the class prevailing among them. Support vector machines: –Instances assumed to be vectors; separate two classes by placing a hyperplane between them. –By pretending to map the vectors into a different space ( kernel functions), we can achieve non-linear (e.g. polynomial) discrimination surfaces.
The database 1172 images, chosen from a larger collection, classified manually into 14 disjoint classes
The experiments Global image descriptors: –histograms, coherence vectors, autocorrelograms, banded autocorrelograms –Several color space quantizations: RGB (64, 216, 256 regions), HSV (256 regions) –Nearest neighbors (using L 1 - ali L 2 -norm as the distance measure) –Support vector machines (three different kernels) Segmentation: –Various segmentation parameters –Two similarity measures: WALRUS in IRM –Nearest neighbors
Poskusi z globalnimi opisi slik
Poskusi s segmentacijo
Conclusions Autocorrelograms better than histograms, banded acg as good as full ones The quantization of the color space should not be too rough
Conclusions Autocorrelograms better than histograms, banded acg as good as full ones The quantization of the color space should not be too rough Support vector machines produce better classifiers than the nearest-neighbor method
Conclusions Autocorrelograms better than histograms, banded acg as good as full ones The quantization of the color space should not be too rough Support vector machines produce better classifiers than the nearest-neighbor method Cubic and radial kernels better than linear
Conclusions Autocorrelograms better than histograms, banded acg as good as full ones The quantization of the color space should not be too rough Support vector machines produce better classifiers than the nearest-neighbor method Cubic, radial kernels better than linear Segmentation parameters are important IRM is better than the WALRUS similarity measure Segmentation is not better than global descriptors
Conclusions Autocorrelograms better than histograms, banded acg as good as full ones The quantization of the color space should not be too rough Support vector machines produce better classifiers than the nearest-neighbor method Cubic, radial kernels better than linear Segmentation parameters are important IRM is better than the WALRUS similarity measure Segmentation is not better than global descriptors Looking at more nearest neigbors yields worse results
Zaključki Avtokorelogrami boljši od histogramov, zgoščeni AKG enako dobri kot navadni Metoda podpornih vektorjev daje boljše klasifikatorje od metode najbližjih sosedov Metoda k najbližjih sosedov daje najboljše rezultate pri k = 1 Kvantizacija barvnega prostora ne sme biti pregroba IRM daje boljše rezultate od WALRUS ove mere podobnosti Klasifikatorji, dobljeni na podlagi segmentacije, niso nič boljši od tistih na podlagi globalnih opisov S parametri segmentacije se da na točnost precej vplivati
Comparison with related work Huang et al. (1998) built a sort of decision tree over a set of images, and also compared it with NN –Banded autocorrelograms, SVD (for each node of the tree) –Eleven classes, 90 images per class –Classification accuracies: around 80 %
Possibilities of future work Understanding the unexpected results –The poor performance of segmentation-based classifiers –Why is k-NN best when k = 1? Compare with other techniques –Other segmentation methods –Other color spaces Looking for new image representation methods and new similarity measures