The wind trio “Gael Force Winds” (members of the Scottish Chamber Orchestra) came to Sanday School to work with the children on a short musical production based on the book “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” by Michael Rosen.
The Nursery children were asked to create artwork based on some of the themes described in the book - so….
We set off on a Bear Hunt which lasted for 4 weeks!!!
We took digital video and stills cameras to film the dune grass at Backaskaill Bay.
Some grass was “sharp.”
Some grass was “spiky, like a hedgehog.”
Some grass was “scruffy.”
Some grass was “making crosses.”
Is that a bear hiding in the grass?
Swishy swashy.
It was a “beautiful day!”
When we got back to Nursery we made a grass collage.
We took turns to use the trimmer to cut the paper strips.
We used lots of glue to stick the strips in place.
Sometimes the paper did not stick where we wanted it to!
We put our collage and photographs on display.
Van Gogh We looked at the painting “WHEAT FIELD WITH CROWS” by Vincent Van Gogh
We projected part of the image onto a large sheet of paper and used finger paints to copy it.
We painted yellow wheat…
and a brown cart track.
We were very proud of our finished painting!
So the next day we all painted our own copies.