DNA Extraction
DNA is extracted onto the paper matrix. The FTA card is a chemically treated paper matrix for the safe collection, transport and storage of DNA. Before PCR, inhibitors of the reaction have to be removed from the card. DNA Extraction from Plant Material
When a plant sample is pressed onto the FTA matrix, moisture in the sample activates chemicals in the FTA card and these chemicals lyse the cells, denature enzymes, inactivate pathogens and immobilise the DNA. Once completely dry, such plant extracts can be stored for several years at room temperature. This method is not suitable for fibrous leaves such as cabbage or pine, which are difficult to crush. DNA Extraction from Plant Material
Place a backing board between the back cover of the card and the absorbent layer. DNA Extraction from Plant Material
Place a piece of fresh plant material onto one box on the FTA card. Ensure it does not extend outwith the box. Close cover. DNA Extraction from Plant Material
Using a pestle, squash the leaf onto the card until moisture has soaked through to the back of the absorbent layer. Discard squashed plant material. Try to keep the sample within the box. DNA Extraction from Plant Material
Repeat extraction for a second plant material in a different box. Try to ensure each sample stays within its own box. DNA Extraction from Plant Material
Make sure that moisture from the leaf has soaked through to the back of the paper. DNA Extraction from Plant Material
Repeat extraction for the third and fourth plant materials in the remaining boxes. Try to ensure there is no escape of extracted materials to other boxes. DNA Extraction from Plant Material
Label your samples. DNA Extraction from Plant Material
Leave cards open to dry. DNA Extraction from Plant Material