Name:__________ warm-up 6-6 A. Write in radical form.
Details of the Day EQ: How do radical functions model real-world problems and their solutions? How are expressions involving radicals and exponents related? I will be able to… Activities: Warm-up Review homework Notes: Wed: Quiz 6-3 and 6-4 Class work/ HW Vocabulary:.. Write expressions with rational exponents in radical form and vice versa. Simplify expressions in exponential or radical form.
6-6 Rational Exponents Slope
A Quick Review A. Write in radical form.
Notes and examples B. Write in exponential form. A. Write in radical form.
Notes and examples A. Write in radical form. B. Write in exponential form. A. Evaluate. B. Evaluate.
Notes and examples A. Evaluate. B. Evaluate.
Notes and examples
WEIGHTLIFTING The formula can be used to estimate the maximum total mass that a weightlifter of mass B kilograms can lift using the snatch and the clean and jerk. According to the formula, what is the maximum that a weightlifter weighing 168 kilograms can lift? Use the formula where M is the maximum total mass that a weightlifter of mass B kilograms can lift. According to the formula, what is the maximum that a weightlifter can lift if he weighs 80 kilograms?
Notes and examples B. Simplify A. Simplify. B. Simplify.
Notes and examples B. Simplify A. Simplify. C. Simplify. D. Simplify.
Notes and examples B. Simplify. C. Simplify.
Notes and examples.