Today’s Agenda Have you exercised all five rights? Partners: Read, discuss, and present “You Can’t Say That in School” Articles Videos: ▫ Football Prayer ▫ Yearbook Controversy Brainstorm: Who will you interview? HOMEWORK: ▫ 3 interview ideas
Five Rights Have you exercised your rights? Think about the five rights that are provided by the first amendment: ▫ speech, press, religion, petition, assembly Have you exercised all five rights? If you have, provide an example. If not, come up with a hypothetical way you could. Then, think of at least two of these rights that you have had limited. (If not, come up with hypothetical.)
1 st Amendment Articles While you read… What are the facts of the article? Were the actions described in your article protected by the first amendment? Should they have been?
Football Prayer & Yearbook Controversy Discussion Questions Considering the first amendment, is there anything ironic about the fact that the coach was told he was unable to pray with his players? Is the principal who banned the article about the teen mom in the yearbook justified in doing so? [consider the Supreme Court’s rulings on the first amendment and your own opinion]
Beat Article #3 Who will you interview? Your next article will be an interview, so you will have to pick someone that you would like to interview. Think about someone to interview and explain why your peers would want to read an interview with them. Have 3 names and an explanation for why you chose each by tomorrow’s class.