Forms and Definitions of Validity Emily Wughalter, Ed.D. Summer 2010
Validity Validity has two components: relevance and reliability. It can be measured both logically and statistically.
General Types of Validity Internal Validity External Validity Ecological Validity
Internal Validity Content Concurrent Construct Predictive
Content Validity Does the measure or instrument measure the content or entities about which conclusions are to be drawn? Does the test measure the content of a course? Logically determined
Construct Validity Skills or traits underlying or composing a complete or total test of an attribute are called constructs. Each specific component measures a part of the whole and the sum of the components or constructs equals the whole. An example would be volleyball playing ability would be composed of setting, spiking, serving, and bumping.
Profile of Mood States Tension-Anxiety Anger-Hostility Fatigue-Inertia Depression-Dejection Vigor-Activity Confusion-Bewilderment
Sex Role Stereotypes Bem Sex Role Inventory Personality Attributes Questionnaire Both measure related levels of instrumentalism and expressiveness. Not correlated with one another
West Virginia University Sport Psychology Scales The Athlete Burnout The Sport Imagery Questionnaire Flow Scales Group Environment Questionnaire
Mental Measurements Yearbook
Construct validity is measured both logically and statistically. Factor analysis is used to measure the constructs underlying a test. Expert reviewers are used to assist in the identification of the factors (constructs).
Concurrent Validity In concurrent validity a new test is correlated with the measures obtained on an already established test. Statistically determined through correlation analysis.
Predictive Validity Predictive validity represents the value of a measure for predicting performance on another measure (criterion) at some future date. GREs, SATs are examples of predictive tests Determined statistically through correlation
Factors affecting internal validity Criterion measure selected Age Sex Experience
Selecting Criterion Scores Best score – easy and not time consuming Mean score – most reliable
External Validity External validity refers to the generalizability of the the findings.
Ecological Validity Real world science