headlines christine terminello oakton high school how to make hot
headline? oa headline is a short phrase that draws the reader into the story and the spread oa headline grabs the reader’s attention and is creative oheadlines should clearly relate to the content on the page oconsistent headline design and elements can create uniformity throughout the book and sections of the book what is a
othis headline is unique because it goes along the story vertically othe subheadline follows the same pattern by continuing the line down the spread mclean high school examples? what are some
examples? ouses multiple angles for each of the words in the headline, making it interesting to look at othis package grabs the readers’ attention when they open to the page what are some mill valley high school
oa subheadline gives background on what the headline presents about the story and dominant picture othe subheadline is in a smaller font than the headline osometimes the subheadline introduces the primary student or subject in the story subheadline? what is a
examples? what are some headline subheadline corona del sol high school
examples? what are some del campo high school subheadline headline
coverage triangle? othere are three elements of coverage that make up the coverage triangle oheadline ostory odominant picture othese elements should all relate to each other and clearly display the focus of the story and spread what is the
examples? what are some o this headline does a good job of pulling the picture into the phrase of the headline o uses the basketball from the dominant picture as the “o” in “our glory” o the coverage all relates and is pulled together using the coverage triangle dhahran high school
examples? what are some o this headline incorporates the dominant image and the purpose of the story o the girl holding up her pointer finger shows that there was “one last thing” the team needed to do to win the game o this spread is a great example of the coverage triangle because the headline, dominant photo, and story all clearly relate to each other inland lakes high school
examples? what are some lee high school othis is an example of the coverage triangle because the headline “scream scene” clearly relates to the dominant photo in the package and the story
headlines are so hot right now yay yearbook 09!