The changing information landscape Lorcan Dempsey The virtual library Brussels October Lorcan Dempsey The virtual library Brussels October
Total Libraries* OCLC Libraries* OCLC library reach Asia Pacific Canada Europe, Middle East & Africa OCLC PICA incl. Latin America & the Caribbean United States Total All Countries *excluding schools Thousands of libraries 1 Sources for Total Library Population:World Guide to Libraries (Saur, 2000) Also consulted online. Hamid Saeed et al. "Internet Use in University Libraries of Pakistan," Online Information Review 24 (2): 154; World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services (ALA, 1993) "Papua New Guinea, Libraries In," ELIS, v. 60 (Dekker, 1997) Librarian's Companion (2nd ed., Greenwood, 1996) "Cuban Libraries," Focus 31 (3): 136; 2000 Unesco Yearbook (1999) Years for data vary Snunith Shoham, "Libraries and Librarianship in Israel," IFLA Journal 26 (3): Libraries in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland (Library Association, 2001) Jens Thorhauge, "Danish Research Libraries--Danish Models," Liber Quarterly 10; 418; Directory of Libraries in Canada (Micromedia, 2001) totals searched online Deloitte & Touche special report on Biblion, p. 21. American Library Directory (Bowker, 2001/2002) Alexandra Papazoglou and Eva Semertzaki, "Changes and develoments in Greek Libraries," Market Data Retrieval (2001/2002) Electronic Library 19 (3): ; Phillip Ramsdale, Library Economics in Central and Eastern Europe (EU, 1997) "Country Focus: Spain," Information Europe, Summer 2000, p. 27. "Mauritius and Rodrigues, Libraries In," ELIS, v. 42 (Dekker, 1987) Maira S. Tungaratova, "Libraries in the Republic of Kazakhstan," Focus 31 (2): 71-76; Sharon Chien Lin, Libraries and Librarianship in China (Greenwood, 1998) "Country Focus: Latvia," Information Europe, Spring 2001, Jashu Patel and Krishan Kumar, Libraries and Librarianship in India (Greenwood, 2001) Stephen M. Mutula, "The IT Environment in Kenya," Library Hi Tech 19 (2): 155; Theodore F. Welch, Libraries and Librarianship in Japan (Greenwood, 1997) Libraries and Librarianship in Thailand (IFLA, 1999) Pongsoon Lee and Young Ai Um, Libraries and Librarianship in Korea (Greenwood, 1994) World Information Report (UNESCO, 1997) Bill Collinge, "Libraries in Slovakia," Focus 32 (3): 2001; OCLC Library count has been adjusted downward by 9% to account for multiple symbols in same institutions Total 2002
Trends The virtual library –A shared network space Changing patterns of research and learning Reconfiguration of services – new institutional structures?
Grid highlow high stewardship uniqueness Books Journals Newspapers Government docs Albums Maps Scores Special collections Rare books Local/Historical newspapers Local history materials Archives & manuscripts Theses & dissertations Institutional repositories ePrints Learning objects/materials Research data Freely-accessible web resources Open source software Newsgroup archives
Organization Books Journals Special collections Freely-accessible web resources Research and learning materials highlow high stewardship uniqueness special collections digital libraries subject specialists technical services Routinized?
Metadata standards Metadata Books Journals Special collections Freely-accessible web resources Research and learning materials highlow high stewardship uniqueness MARC, Onix MARC, Onix MARC, METS, EAD, DC, TEI Dublin Core DC, DDI, IEEE/LOM, FGDC, EAD, TEI, SCORM Routinized?
Institutional issue learning materials cultural materials research materials Community issue The intellectual and cultural record Preservation Freely- accessible web resources Research and learning materials Books Journals Special collections
Books Journals Special collections Freely- accessible web resources Research and learning materials catalog rights and resolution new discovery services Disclosure –ePrints –cultural heritage –local history –learning objects gateway –Learning Discovery-to-Delivery - D2D search engines recommend? or Institutionalized?
highlow high stewardship unique “Special collections” Disclosure, Licensing Scholarly communication
The recombinant library user environments lab books exhibitions PDAs learning management systems campus portal course material text book new scholarly resources resource environment library shared cataloging, ILL licensed collections archiving virtual reference Content aggregation Resolution Harvest
The ‘recombinant’ library –Distributed –Heterogeneous –Recombinant –Interoperability becomes very real Resource environment –Distributed –Heterogeneous –Recombinant –Interoperability becomes very real User environment Resource environment Modular services Library Channels – e.g. QuestionPoint in WebCT Metadata for everything Standards-based
Interoperability as recombinant potential Disaggregating scholarly publishing –Linking, Identifiers ‘Play’ learning objects –Packaged Federated searching –Fusing metadata Processing content Ingesting content ‘Plugging in’ services Examples –Can I add a document to a repository? –Can I add a repository to a distributed query? –Can I fuse metadata from one repository with another? –Can I aggregate these resources into a learning package?
Recombinant organization Existing –Shared cataloguing –Resource sharing –Shared access to journal literature Emerging –Tiered catalog access –Archiving –Collection mapping –Collaborative collection assessment, consolidation, development –Resolution – streamlining access to the commodity literature –Virtual reference –Harvesting
Overview Libraries serve research and learning –Scholarly communication –Fold resources into learning Federation/Portal Institutional repository Resolution – D2D Learning management Organizational and institutional development New cooperative, service, and technical patterns
“…libraries will become more deeply engaged in the creation and dissemination of knowledge and become essential collaborators with the other stakeholders in these activities.” Wendy Pradt Lougee August 2002 Questions?