Centre of Excellence WORKGROUP 4 Integrated Technology Transfer WORKGROUP leader Krzysztof Dreszer Ph.D. THERMOCHEMICAL CONVERSION OF SOLID FUELS – THERMOCHEMICAL CONVERSION OF SOLID FUELS – Processes of pyrolysis, gasification and combustion of biomass an wastes
Centre of Excellence Web site updates (whole year) Data bases update (whole year) Information and papers on conference, training and seminar (three events during the 2004 year) Preparing and dissemination of CONBIOT Centre papers Implementation of the Communication plan :
Centre of Excellence Preparation and dissemination Centre papers Newsletter nr 1 - March’04 Newsletter nr 2 - June’04 Newsletter nr 3 - September’04 E-yearbook December’04
Centre of Excellence Young staff training organization PlaceTNO - Environmental, Energy and Process Innovation, Apeldoorn, NL Timebetween and Topics Biomass thermal processing modelling Technology transfer PersonTomasz Zagórski
Centre of Excellence Clean coal 2004 – Ministry of Economy contracted project In continuation of 2003 works following tasks will be done: calculation of clean coal technology efficiency, the study of multiway technological line variants in arrangement of economic performance, the study of criterions of technological variants as well as economical and ecological calculation, simulating variant calculations, clean coal technology monograph work up.
Centre of Excellence Communication plan problems It was not successful to implement the database of company deal with the biomass How to upgrade contents of databases CONBIOT partners databases?
Centre of Excellence First year of running the CONBIOT Project in range of tasks WG5 performance show sure logistic shortcomings. Namely, the information flow from the leaders of the Project tasks, to Communication plan group was "little smooth” and realized often in "last minute”. This influences both on publishing information term and on their content - related quality. Elimination of this problem is the main priority in this year's works realization. OBSERVATION
Centre of Excellence Specialist or organization wanted enabling us to upgrading ours skills of database preparing and management Database developing support NEEDS