DJSI 最新消息 年第一季
Timeline for 2012 review 2
2012 Invited companies from Taiwan (92) 3 Computer Hardware & Electronic Office Equipment 宏碁、研華、華碩、友達、群光、奇美電、藍天電腦、仁寶、英業達、和碩聯合、 廣達、聯強國際、緯創 13 Semiconductors 日月光、晶元光電、旺宏電子、聯發科、晨星半導體、聯詠科技、力成科技、矽 品、台積電、創見、聯電、大聯大 12 Building Materials & Fixtures 亞泥、台泥、台玻、 3 Industrial Engineering 可成、上銀科技 1 Insurance 國泰金控、中國人壽、富邦金控、新光金控、 4 Banks 彰化銀行、中國信託、玉山金控、第一金控、華南金控、兆豐金控、永豐金、台 新金控、台灣企銀、合庫金控 10 Auto Parts & Tires 正新橡膠、南港輪胎、 2 Airlines 華航、長榮航空 2 Financial Services 中華開發金控、國票金控、元大金控 3 Chemicals 中國石油、台灣化學纖維公司、台塑、李長榮化工、南亞塑膠、東聯化學、台肥、 台橡 8 Steel 中鋼、豐興鋼鐵 2 Fixed Line Communications 中華電信 1 Electronic Equipment 台達電、富士康科技、宸鴻光電、勝華科技 4 Industrial Transportation 長榮海運 1 General Retailers 遠東百貨、和泰汽車 1 Clothing, Accessories & Footwear 遠東新世紀、福懋興業、寶成公司、潤泰 4 Mobile Telecommunications 遠傳電信、台灣大哥大 2 Hotels, Restaurants, Bars & Recreational Services 晶華酒店 1 Oil & Gas Producers 台塑石化 1 Leisure Goods 捷安特 1 Real Estate 興富發 1 Electric Components & Equipment 光寶科技、鴻海精密、瑞儀光電、健鼎科技、欣興電子、華新麗華 6 Communication Technology 宏達電 1 Leisure Goods 大立光 1 Food & Drug Retailers 統一超商 1 Food Producers 佳格、統一企業 2 Durable Household Products 東元 1 Automobiles 裕隆汽車 1
2012 methodology and IT update Streamlining, all consolidation and increased focus on materiality Consolidation of 21 criteria (or 16.9 % of all criteria across all sectors) through materiality analysis Deletion of 94 questions (or 13.9 % of all questions across all sectors) through consolidation and materiality analysis Reducing the content in lengthy questions or breaking them in smaller sub-questions Simplifying the type of data collected Allowing the company to indicate a section of the question as “not applicable,” to better match different business models Adjusting the layout for better usability Improving the text for greater clarity 4
Ruggie framework UN Special Representative John Ruggie proposed a framework on business & human rights to the UN Human Rights Council in June The "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations 'Protect, Respect and Remedy' Framework" is contained in the 2011 report by then- UN Special Representative on business & human rights John Ruggie to the UN Human Rights Council. 6
7 principles-chinese-21-mar-2011.pdf
Gender Equality Project The Gender Equality Project is a Swiss Foundation, working in partnership with the World Economic Forum, committed to creating a world where men and women are equally valued and respected in all aspects of economic, political and social life. Five areas for assessment Equal Pay for Equivalent Work Recruitment and Promotion Training and Mentoring Work-Life Balance Company Culture 8
9 Electronic Equipment Electric Components & Equipment
Innovation Management 11
IM Performance 12 One of the reasons for this is that technology companies are often hesitant to disclose information on their innovation management processes and outcomes.
R&D spending 13 higher R&D expenditures do not necessarily lead to more innovation
Open innovation 14
Environmental innovation 15
Long term trend 16
The sustainability yearbook
Airline 18
Banks 19
Semiconductors 20
Computer Hardware & Electronic Office Equipment 21
Electronic Equipment 22
Electric Components & Equipment 23