Iowa Department of Education 2006 Consultative Collaboration
Iowa Department of Education 2006 “If you find yourself collaborating by yourself, seek professional help.” Marilyn Friend
Iowa Department of Education 2006 Iowa’s Consultative Model Effective Instruction Effective Behavior Supports Co-teachingCollaborative Consultation
Iowa Department of Education 2006 A systematic process in which we work together, interdependently, to analyze and impact professional practice in order to improve our individual and collective results. DuFour, DuFour, and Eaker
Iowa Department of Education 2006 Collaboration as a Tool Collaboration – is a style for interaction between co-equal parties voluntarily engaged in shared decision making as they work toward a common goal Marilyn Friend
Iowa Department of Education 2006 Bridge Builders Supportive beliefs and values Mutual trust Mutual respect Establishment of a sense of community
Iowa Department of Education 2006 You are never alone, and whether you have a six-mile climb up an alp and a cadre of attackers behind you, or a round of chemo in front of you, that’s extremely reassuring. Lance Armstrong
Iowa Department of Education 2006 Interaction in which school personnel confer, consult, and collaborate as a team to identify learning and behavioral needs and to plan, implement, evaluate, and revise as needed the educational programs that are expected to serve those needs. Dettmer, Thurston, Dyck
Iowa Department of Education 2006 Collaborative Consultation IS NOT: Counseling for the consultee(s) A teacher with more free time Supervisory or judgmental A money saving mechanism
Iowa Department of Education 2006 Collaborative Consultation as an Option Mutual ownership Joint accountability Pooled resources Specific content instruction
Iowa Department of Education 2006 Co-Teaching: Both: Collaborative Consultation Model:
Iowa Department of Education 2006 Benefits Fewer referrals for special education Strategy expertise accessed by a broader range of students Students have access to a broader range of general education classes Sharing of knowledge increases the skills of all parties involved (Increase in student achievement.)
Iowa Department of Education 2006 Collaborative Consultation Key Components 1.Individual prerequisites 2.The professional relationship 3.Planning, implementing and evaluating 4.Concerns
Iowa Department of Education Individual Prerequisites (Highly Qualified Teacher Roles) Core Content Teacher Content Expert Assigns grade/teacher of record Assures progress in course Certifies student has met course requirements Special Education Teacher Strategy expert Ensures student makes progress toward his/her goals Ensures appropriate accommodations
Iowa Department of Education The Professional Relationship Both/All Focus on what is best for each student Open communication skills Positive interpersonal traits Compatibility of perspective on effective teaching Identification of needed supplemental materials Problem solving Ongoing assessment of student progress Collegial exchange of teaching strategies
Iowa Department of Education Professional Relationship (continued) Responsibility of general educator Clearly defined content outcomes Consistent behavioral expectations Responsibility of “other” educator Curriculum adaptation Skills deficit remediation Assessment modification Effective behavior supports Strategies instruction
Iowa Department of Education 2006 Planning Planning process –Problem solving process –Multidisciplinary team input Planning content around learning objectives –Accommodations/modifications –Reteaching/preteaching –Skills acquisition –Strategy needs Planning actions –Division of tasks
Iowa Department of Education 2006 Planning Pyramid A way of thinking about planning instruction for all learners Degrees of learning (helps teachers consider the importance of the concepts to be taught) -What do I want ALL students to learn? conceptually broader; most important; big ideas; concepts should be made explicit to students; ample opportunities for learning concepts -What do I want MOST students to learn? additional facts, extensions of main concepts; majority of students should be able to grasp and retain this information; important, but not critical -What do I want SOME students to learn? incidental to the content; generally detailed/more complex information; student-directed experiences ***Students should have access to all levels.
Iowa Department of Education 2006 Planning Macro Micro
Iowa Department of Education 2006 BASE Planning Building a Strong BASE of Support for All Students Through Co-planning Hawbaker, Balong, Buckalter, Runyon B ig ideas A nalyze difficulty S trategies and supports E valuation access online at: VOL.33NO.4MARAPR2001_TEC_Article4.pdf
Iowa Department of Education 2006 Resources Visits to schools featured in the Iowa video Norwalk High SchoolMiller Middle School, Marshalltown Washing High SchoolMount Ayr High School Cedar Falls High SchoolHolmes Junior High School, Cedar Falls Ottumwa High School Collaborative Conversations with Iowa School Administrators and Teachers - DVD Resource Segment #1:Descriptions of collaborative teaching models Segment #2:Implementation of collaborative teaching models Segment #3:How do you know this model is working for students Segment #4:Impact on curriculum Segment #5:Scheduling collaborative teaching models Segment #6:Planning time for teachers Segment #7:Addressing conflicts in the classroom Segment #8:Communication needs Segment #9:System supports Segment #10:Additional considerations